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Sturgeon's House

I Learned so Many Things that are Definitely True in this Article by Paul Lakowski


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This is wonderful.


I learned:


1)  The leo 1 had poor hull armor, but excellent turret armor!


2)  Chieftain's armor was 16 inches thick!


4)  The T-64 was the Soviet's own version of the leopard(?!)



Actually, the materials science stuff seems solid, and jives with what I've heard before (but how much of that is people repeating this article?).

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I had a hard time getting past the first paragraph and his bolded sentence "Historically the battle between projectile and plate has determined the out come of most tank battles."  Really?  I can name all sorts of examples where the lighter tanks won.  


I think that all of the largest tank battles in history were primarily conducted by T-34s and Pz IVs that could happily mutually kill each other.  The runner up is probably some battle between centurions, M48s and T-55s in some godforsaken desert where, again, everyone could kill each other pretty evenly.

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I think that all of the largest tank battles in history were primarily conducted by T-34s and Pz IVs that could happily mutually kill each other.  The runner up is probably some battle between centurions, M48s and T-55s in some godforsaken desert where, again, everyone could kill each other pretty evenly.


On the other hand, the battle between shell and armor plate determined who won. It was the tank of the guy where that battle didn't take place.

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