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Yeap, Unstart already pointed at it in other thread. I managed to watch last minutes of press-conference. Next step for research - source of this water. One of questions was about water cicle on Mars, and it is different, but how much - unknown. There is a snow on Mars, there issome liquid water left, and no rains. Amount of liquid water was much bigger before.

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So, if source of water would be located, and amount of it will be big enough, colonisation of Mars would be so much easier, as i understand.

Sign me up tomorrow. At that point I think it is just the political will to finance such an expedition (it'll be billions and billions of dollars) and a decade or so of hammering down the exact technology you'd need to pull this off.


Or else, in true dystopian sci-fi manner, select a group of undesirables based on their religious, racial or socio-economic status and send them.


And thus began the Mars Mormon Wars...

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I really want to see how exactly water exist in Mars ground. If it is not very deep, than even first expeditions could use it to support prolonged existance of humans on planet.

One thing i miss from Soviet times is how much commies pushed space tech. We need to push Roskosmos and put ambitious objectives for it to achieve.

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One thing i miss from Soviet times is how much commies pushed space tech. We need to push Roskosmos and put ambitious objectives for it to achieve.


It's also funny how the Soviets did almost everything related to the space race and yet the Americans get the credit because they landed on the moon.


inb4 Russia secretly lands on Mars, surprising the evil capitalists.

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US did plenty of space achievements in those times, and now NASA is doing almost all space exploration. Our space exploration ended with Soviet Union, but i hope that it is not for long.

So, next target is to build robor with a lot of water-analysing and ground digging/drilling equipment?

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US did plenty of space achievements in those times, and now NASA is doing almost all space exploration. Our space exploration ended with Soviet Union, but i hope that it is not for long.

So, next target is to build robor with a lot of water-analysing and ground digging/drilling equipment?


I thought the Russians still have their space program going? Did you really cancel it all with the fall of the SU?

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Unfortunately, it is a symptom of the United States appropriations process. Even if you could work up the political capital to allocate eleventy jillion dollars in a decade long effort to colonize Mars, eight years from now there'll be some dipshit "Budget Hawk" on an appropriations committee who'll shut it down because 60 Minutes did a news show on how part of the program is overbudget.

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Unfortunately, it is a symptom of the United States appropriations process. Even if you could work up the political capital to allocate eleventy jillion dollars in a decade long effort to colonize Mars, eight years from now there'll be some dipshit "Budget Hawk" on an appropriations committee who'll shut it down because 60 Minutes did a news show on how part of the program is overbudget.


Something didn't work perfectly, gut its funding and plow it into the F-35.

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The only way to save America from ISIS to to have a base on Mars to launch freedom lasers at super velocities and to save Aliens from Islam before you get suicide UFOs. 


I keep hearing about the person who discovered water on Mars being Egyptian. Is it true? If so, that's kinda funny.

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You need something to frighten the US public. Like China...


"CNN: Chinese space program launches phallus rocket designed to project homo rays from orbit, Will NASA and the Government respond to this new menace?"




Shit, I'm writing their content for them.

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What is the launch success rate of the current generation Long March?


27 Successful launches, 2 failures with the LM-3 series.


Only time will tell how the 5 series and it's smaller versions fare but, I don't usually pay attention as much to space related developments as military or energy ones.

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"CNN: Chinese space program launches phallus rocket designed to project homo rays from orbit, Will NASA and the Government respond to this new menace?"




Shit, I'm writing their content for them.


We need a rocket shaped like a flaming Axe electric bass guitar.

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