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A blog about Soviet Tanks.

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The Object 142

In the 2nd half of 1957 at the suggestion of Chief the Armored troops of the Soviet Army Colonel General P.P. Poluboyarova suggested that a new tank be developed on the basis of the Object 140 but uses the chassis of the T-54B to ensure maximum part compatibly. The tank was designed at factory №183 under the leadership of Leonid Karcev. One prototype was built and underwent testing in the fall of 1958. The Object 142 was armed with the 100mm D-54TS. The tank contained 50 rounds of ammuni



Soviet Tank Production 1945-1965

The Soviets built a lot of tanks from 1945 to 1965, this chart from Отечественные бронированные машины 1945-1965 shows us how much they built and what they did build.



The T-62A

What was to become the T-62A was born in January 1959. It was developed by Nizhny Tagil with L.N. Karcev as the head designer. By October two prototypes were built and from November 4th 1959 to April 14th 1960 underwent factory testing. During that time it underwent running test that totaled 4,000km and underwent testing firing at the Ural Artillery Range. After firing against the tank's hull and turret at the NIIBT testing ground in January 1960 the plans for the tank were finalized. In Decembe



Penetration of Various Guns

The Soviets made a lot tank guns during the post war period. Some were very powerful, here are some penetration tables from ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫЕ БРОНИРОВАННЫЕ МАШИНЫ 1945-1965 гг. of a few of them:



The Object 141

The development of the Object 141 began on September 12th 1952 by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR №4169-163. The design of the tank was headed by A.V. Kolesnikova. In July 1953 Factory №183 produced a full sized wooden mockup. The 100mm D-54(which was designed by F.F. Petrov) was not received until March 1954. It was not until January 1955 that a prototype underwent test firing at the Rzhevka artillery range in Leningrad. Testing continued until November 1955 when it was halted to



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