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Everything posted by Bronezhilet

  1. Downloadlink, my dude. Next time, click on the download button?
  2. Compact Fords are way more popular in the EU than they are in the USA. Although F-150 sales do exceed Galaxy sales in the Netherlands.
  3. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/08/verizon-throttled-fire-departments-unlimited-data-during-calif-wildfire/
  4. @Ulric biggest news is the T-80B though! Turbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
  5. Just when I buy my way into the Naval Beta, they release helicopter pre-order packs. For fucks sake
  6. Actually, in the real world Autocad is full autism and normies use Solidworks/Inventor.
  7. bRutAL isRaElI SoLdiErs FiRE wHiTe PhoSpHorUS sHeLls aT PeAcEfuL dEmONsTrAtoRS, YoU cAn'T BeLIeVe wHaT HaPPeNs NeXt!
  8. Plus the Leo didn't poison everybody in its vicinity with unburnt fuel, which the Chirftain kinda did.
  9. Oh yeah those trials. Fun times! Iirc the crews hated the Chieftain, but liked the Brits.
  10. @Collimatrix check out the "Aleppo Earthquake" on the Anna News Youtube channel. It's a documentary about the SCW in Aleppo and covers it from start to finish. It's really good, lots of good footage and interviews with a whole bunch of people (residents, doctors, students, policemen, militiamen, etc).
  11. Well, that was a fucking waste of time. Apparently you can't exchange the T-34E coupon for a Pakwagon if you don't have a T-34E.
  12. I'm probably just going for the T-34E, which can be exchanged for that 8-wheeled German TD which I want (because it looks cool).
  13. But the explosives are still pressure-initiated, so wouldn't focussing all the energy of a long rod on a small diameter actually initiate an ERA earlier than a larger diameter? (Yeah I'm ignoring the fact that ERA is always angled but that doesn't change the point)
  14. Our MoD called it a Harpoon, but I have no idea.
  15. It's 👏 not 👏 an 👏 M113 👏 my 👏 dude 👏
  16. I don't think there were Syrian river boats on the Dutch rivers friendo. Correct, but technically it's a YPR-806 PRB. Also nice job, I expected it to take way longer actually.
  17. For speaking the forbidden word I will not tell you there is a flag on the boat.
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