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Tank “document” misleading

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Some of you may have seen this pic recently on WT forum, in some thread arguing the protection of JGSDF Type 90: 

Discussion on WT forum





To be straight, the Chinese annotation in the table said it is just a GUESSING.


This annotation could be totally nonsense but unfortunately a barrier between languages prevent you guys see throught it. 



In fact, again, this document itself is about JGSDF Type 10 MBT, not Type 90.


Same trick, different people, huh?



JGSDF specification handbook of Type 10 MBT



page 59, Appendix B, performance (regulations) and data



Let's talk about these regulations and how they were made and encrypted. 



You may know that Japanese have Hirakana and Katakana, like Latin have letters and capital letters. 



As you can see, some of the most crucial numbers and descriptions are covered by a Hirakana or Katakana or Romaji(Latin letters).



These numbers and descriptions were collected and listed in some append book, called Bessatsu(別冊). 



When you look up to the append book, just like viewing the answer sheet of an exam paper. But when numbers and descriptions were censored, you'll never know what it said. 



For example, the frontal protection: 


“耐弾性 - 正面 - 正面要部は、【あ】に射距離【え】m相当存速において、貫徹されない。”



耐弹性 - 正面 - 正面重要部位可抵御【あ】以相当于射击距离【え】米存速的射击,不会贯穿。

It read like this: 

Protection - Frontal - Frontal crucial part should withstand 【あ】 firing at a distance of 【え】meter speed reduce equivalent, and not penetrate. 



【あ】stands for certain type of ammunition, probably APFSDS, but don't know whether it is production shot or experimental.



【え】stands for certain firing distance, could be 1000 , 1500 or 2000 (meters), but on such a long distance, shot could be effect by wind and gravity, thus cannot aim on the protection area of target vehicle precisely.



The usual solution is to fire from a much closer range, from 200 to 550 meters, while reducing the propellant charge so that the end speed of AP shot could match the speed drop on certain distance. This is an equivalant method. 



Some people argue that Type 90 MBT can withstand AP shot (JM33) firing from another Type 90 MBT, on a distance about 250 meters. The source of this statement came from an unknown video clip, which they have never seen. Firing on closer range is for better aim, and they could have use reduced charge to simulate a much longer range, but we cannot prove. 



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