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Please support this forum by joining the SH Patreon ×
Sturgeon's House

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To help fund the community as it grows, and to make donations more convenient for users and readers, we will be launching an SH Patreon account.


The concept is simple: The only funding goal is enough to keep the site running month-to-month. The only rewards are what they've always been for donors, their names being added to the Thank You Thread. Donate what you want, how you want. If you prefer donating in lumps, keep using PayPal. If you'd rather donate smaller amounts every month through Patreon, that is now an option too.

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Just a reminder that donations, either through Patreon or directly via PayPal, help support this forum. The forum is about 50% funded via Patreon and the rest funded by me directly. Despite my handsome, wealthy playboy image on the Internet, I am actually a working class father of two and donations really do help make a difference in keeping the forum online.

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