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Rocket propelled grenades and other man portable weapons in a similar class, such as the M72 (somewhat) were highly important in many militaries for several years, and often still are. I believe we should identify what factors and design features are important to such weapons.


One idea I have for such weapons is modularity. In my ideal world, the warhead of such weapons would be able to be switched relatively easily, while still using the same rocket motor and launcher. For instance, a HEAT warhead could be used against armored vehicles, but fairly quickly exchanged for a fragmentation or thermobaric warhead for use against soft targets. However, I am uncertain whether this would be workable in practice; it requires more thought than can be summoned in my current state.

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From most of the videos I see these days, any RPG RPG must include muttering "Allah Akbar" repetitively while someone films you with a cell phone camera who is also muttering "Allah Akbar". This goes in for two to four minutes until you work up the courage to shoot. At that point something happens like you being sniped, hit by artillery, machine gun fire or the RPG itself explodes because it has been boobie-trapped. At which point the "Allah Akbar-ing" reaches a frenzied pitch as the cameraman loses focus.

And then inexplicably loads the whole thing on YouTube.

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From most of the videos I see these days, any RPG RPG must include muttering "Allah Akbar" repetitively while someone films you with a cell phone camera who is also muttering "Allah Akbar". This goes in for two to four minutes until you work up the courage to shoot. At that point something happens like you being sniped, hit by artillery, machine gun fire or the RPG itself explodes because it has been boobie-trapped. At which point the "Allah Akbar-ing" reaches a frenzied pitch as the cameraman loses focus.

And then inexplicably loads the whole thing on YouTube.


Nah, Liveleak is clearly the go-to source for all your insurgent and populist rebellion needs.

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Invoking the name of your god actually seems pretty sensible, given how these videos tend to end.

It must simplify things considerably to have Thoth (or whoever) simply go "well I could have sworn... let's look at your recent record. Ah, there. You'll want the next underword over, first door on the right."

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From most of the videos I see these days, any RPG RPG must include muttering "Allah Akbar" repetitively while someone films you with a cell phone camera who is also muttering "Allah Akbar". This goes in for two to four minutes until you work up the courage to shoot. At that point something happens like you being sniped, hit by artillery, machine gun fire or the RPG itself explodes because it has been boobie-trapped. At which point the "Allah Akbar-ing" reaches a frenzied pitch as the cameraman loses focus.

And then inexplicably loads the whole thing on YouTube.

Sometimes they can into impressive ALAKHUAKBAR.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Potentially, yes.  The countermass needs to have the same momentum as the outgoing projectile in order for there to be no net recoil at the shooter's shoulder.  The plastic or water or what have you has much more mass than the propellant gasses, which means for a given momentum that it has lower energy (square root relationship).  That should make it less dangerous.


This should not be taken as a recommendation to stand RIGHT BEHIND someone touching off reduced-backblast ordnance.

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