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Sturgeon's House

New Japanese 'Destroyer'


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It's technically a "self defense force" but I think it's still got the biggest power projection capacity in the theater. (I would not be too surprised if they just so happened to have decks up to spec of dealing with F-35s, but even a full load of helicopters is really useful).

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Just remember that doing stunts like this is a good thing because it keeps the region stable against the non westernized godless Asian countries.


But China building island bases in its own waters and a larger navy for patrols because foreign nations don't respect their waters at all is a clear sign of Chinese aggression and is completely unacceptable and a thermonuclear apocalypse is imminent.

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Just remember that doing stunts like this is a good thing because it keeps the region stable against the non westernized godless Asian countries.


But China building island bases in its own waters and a larger navy for patrols because foreign nations don't respect their waters at all is a clear sign of Chinese aggression and is completely unacceptable and a thermonuclear apocalypse is imminent.


Worse is that the people who can't realize that stability is a game both sides play tend to not realize that economics isn't a zero sum game, and feel the need to somehow win.

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