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Sturgeon's House

The Kerbal Space Program Total Sperg Zone


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And so begins the planetary rape. This marvel of industrial might is a true tour de force by kerbal science. Combining fuel cells, ore mining drills, and an ore processing module, this unit consumes roughly .12 units of fuel (for the fuel cells to produce electricity to power the drills and converter) to produce .9 units of fuel at a rate of about 1 ton of ore to 2 tons of fuel.



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This is the flea:




The flea is a VTOL drone capable of cruising along at 550km/hour until it spots a juicy ore deposit. Then it lands to begin the feast:




Once it's tanks are full, it takes off again in search of more ore to suck.

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So, if you're like me, one of the prime reasons you keep playing KSP (cut to an empty auditorium, cut back) is because you are trying to maximize your SLS/Manned Mars Mission fantasy time, and there's no better way I've found to do that than to install Chaka Money's Exploration Odyssey mod. It has very few dependencies, and comes pre-loaded with assloads of ready-made SLS configs for various missions, including Mun, Minmus, Duna, and space station construction, and - here's the best part - the rockets actually work. Most of the time, stock mod rockets suck, and are totally unusable, but dammit Chaka got it right. You can just load up anything from his EFT-1 mission to his massive XLS launchers with huge payloads and they work 100% reliably (and come pre-equipped with Mechjeb modules). I've seriously never been this pleased with a KSP mod. Chaka spent a lot of time and effort on this mod, and everything looks great (some of the modules have great textures slapped onto somewhat basic models, but overall they still look good), and functions beautifully.

Go forth, and explore the Solar System:


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