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The Space Exploration Achievements Thread

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Awwww. They lost stage 1 on landing.  :( Sadpanda.




Edit: What blows my mind is that the telemetry data is so good that in less than an hour they know exactly what went wrong. And from the sound of it, they were already working on a fix before it even happened.  Loss was caused by low thrust on one of the landing engines.  Elon's saying it might be the hardest landing yet for them.



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It isn't an achievement yet, but Elon is an ambitious bastard, if nothing else.  I hope he pulls it off. Heck, if he can make the second stage of Falcon Heavy reusable... that would be pretty freaking cool.  But naw... we gotta get ready to head to Mars.




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SpaceX hoping for November return to flight (dubious IMO).


Also, as far as I know, the September 27th reveal on MCT is still go.


In other news, Robert Zubrin has AOL pinned to his taskbar; https://twitter.com/robert_zubrin/status/775365975034114049

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