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Sturgeon's House

The Bizarre Phenomenon of Afrocentrist Historical Revisionism

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Case Study 1:

The Moors Were Black And Ruled The World.

The author clearly does not seem to realize that Iberia is not in fact a synonym for the world; the region it denotes only includes Spain and Portugal. But anyway, what about his claims that the Moors were black?


When the topic of the Moorish influence in Europe is being discussed, one of the first questions that arises is, what race were they?

As early as the Middle Ages, “Moors were commonly viewed as being mostly black or very swarthy, and hence the word is often used for negro,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Author and historian Chancellor Williams said “the original Moors, like the original Egyptians, were black Africans.”

The 16th century English playwright William Shakespeare used the word Moor as a synonym for African. His contemporary Christopher Marlowe also used African and Moor interchangeably.

Arab writers further buttress the black identity of the Moors.  The powerful Moorish Emperor Yusuf ben-Tachfin is described by an Arab chronicler as “a brown man with wooly hair.”



Perhaps we could turn to contemporary depictions of the Moors, to settle this question:










I wonder how an Afrocentrist would account for this seemingly compelling evidence.

The most disturbing thing, though?


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Dude, there's better out there. There's folks taking two paintings of black dudes in Gothic armor to claim that the Holy Roman Emperors among other things were black. This of course is misinterpreting paintings of black saints in contemporary fashion, which they did all the time back then.

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I seem to recall a dumblrite claiming that because conceivably blacks could have made it to Europe in the Middle Ages, therefore the black knight of Arthurian literature had to have been a negro.

What's most baffling about this is that the black knight is a stock character, like The Fool, Satan, or Johnny Depp. So "he" couldn't be any one race, as "he" is an archetype in fiction, not a historical person.

We can only conclude based on this compelling argument that the Green Knight of the eponymous Arthurian tale must actually be a Kerbal.

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