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Sturgeon's House

No holds barred self defence


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We have occasionally talked about self-defence weapons, with quite a few disagreements on all aspects of the subject. Part of the problem, to my mind, is that a perfect self-defence weapon has a bunch of conflicting requirements: compactness, ease of use, availability, stopping power (lethal or nonlethal) and reliability. Added to these conflicting requirements, we have a whole gamut of legal issues which limit the solution space which can be realistically explored: limitations on substances, types of weapons, their form and operation and so on.


To really game this one out, I propose that we completely throw out the rulebook and try to imagine the ultimate self-defence weapon. Again, this must be something that anyone can use, that is always available, that always works and that kills or incapacitates instantly.


Have at it gents.

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To start, something conventional:


A micro-calibre pistol, geared for burst or automatic fire with toxin-filled bullets. I'm not talking about something that will kill you in a few hours, by the way. I'm talking about etorphine, concentrated conotoxins, taipan venom, batrachotoxin, type H botuninium and the like. This thing would kill with a hit to any part of the body, with penetration to any depth and with fragments. More, it would do so in seconds.


If you've ever heard an argument about how a pistol 'levels the playing field' between a hypothetical ultra-petite woman and hulking assailant, then this thing is its reductio ad absurdum. It makes even the weakest person capable of dealing instant death to anything short of an orca.

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Handgun with lightweight, low-pressure, but relatively large-caliber rounds, fired at just enough velocity to penetrate a bit into human tissue.

The projectiles are filled with high explosive and have a simple chemical impact fuse.

Bonus of the ammo not being likely to kill the user as it ages or if it is mishandled, like the toxin idea.

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Handgun with lightweight, low-pressure, but relatively large-caliber rounds, fired at just enough velocity to penetrate a bit into human tissue.

The projectiles are filled with high explosive and have a simple chemical impact fuse.

Bonus of the ammo not being likely to kill the user as it ages or if it is mishandled, like the toxin idea.

15x15mm HE - for all your instantaneous death needs.


To defend my idea a bit - encapsulated and stabilised toxins can, depending on the toxin, be hella stable and safe to use until the seal is broken. Best not to handload.


More esoteric idea: ditch the gun as something to be handled by the user. Stick it on an A-class drone (duration may be an issue) with gyro-stabilised mount. There are really good algorithms for motion tracking these days, so all you need is something allowing the user to designate. Failing that, simply have the drone kill anything not complying with the lie-down-on-the-floor request. Note: works with other types of platforms as well. 

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Handgun with lightweight, low-pressure, but relatively large-caliber rounds, fired at just enough velocity to penetrate a bit into human tissue.

The projectiles are filled with high explosive and have a simple chemical impact fuse.

Bonus of the ammo not being likely to kill the user as it ages or if it is mishandled, like the toxin idea.


Don't chemical fuses get really really sensitive as they age? Best not drop grandad's old gun, it might still be loaded...

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Also colli, take the size of your typical 10mm FMJ projectile, hollow it out as thin as it can go with a special magnetic jacket designed to hold the core material in place and from touching anything, and calculate exactly how much anti matter you can fit inside/how big the explosion would be when the jacket breaks open on impact and the anti matter core is exposed to matter.



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Also colli, take the size of your typical 10mm FMJ projectile, hollow it out as thin as it can go with a special magnetic jacket designed to hold the core material in place and from touching anything, and calculate exactly how much anti matter you can fit inside/how big the explosion would be.



That actually sounds like a pretty badass contender for an armored suit grenade launcher type weapon.  Want to be at least hardened infantry when dealing with those energy levels.

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I wonder what the minimum safe distance for a human being in today's tech body armour would be?


It depends on exactly what the antimatter is made out of.  Positrons (anti-electrons) annihilate with normal electrons to create gamma rays.  Protons and anti-protons annihilate to create some gamma, and a whole stew of exotic, unstable particles.

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How about a catapult that throws bags full of bees?

"Don't approach me would-be assailant! I have in my possession a bag of bees!"


*throws bees




On topic, you're going to want something that's easily concealable and can kill or incapacitate in one shot. Assuming we only have one assailant, reloads aren't going to be a primary concern. So clearly, the best idea is a very small pistol firing a single large round (12 gauge or larger) at medium/low velocity and filled with the toxic/deadly substance du jour.

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As will have become apparent to everyone by now, an additional problem with self-defence weapons is that they invariably make even better offensive weapons. This is one conflicting requirement that I honestly have no answer for, other than to look at purely defensive ideas (read: armour) which have major problems of their own.

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