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Sturgeon's House

New scout vehicle now to be assembled in the UK.


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Bean counters end up pulling shit like this. Note that the original choice for Scout-SV was the fucking CV-90.


If it was down to bean counters then they'd have gone for a warrior hull, ascod has no commonality


I would have preferred a CVR(T) upgrade program for better engines, sensors, and maybe some reactive armor. I don't loathe the IFV concept, but I can see why people do.  


Scimitars did get new hulls under the scimitar 2 name, with improved mine protection - it's like a scimitar turret on a spartan hull, so everything's well away from the floor. Apparently it's not good enough. There was also a proposal from BAE around 2000 for a stretched cvrt to do everything cvrts do but with more internal volume, and AFAIK no-one gave a damn about it.

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A fantastic film that is uncharacteristically insightful. Essential watching for anyone interested in military systems R&D and procurement.

Some of the details aren't as accurate as they could be, and some of the characters are perhaps not as kind to their real life counterparts as they could be, but the general thrust of the film hits home.

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