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Sturgeon's House

The future of PLA bullit spitting devices: Powerful Chinese weapons and infantry units/LEO thread.


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  • 9 months later...




New family of Chinese standard issue weapons, this one being QBZ-191. Looks like they're also abandoning the bullpup for the conventional layout just as every other country who has adopted one already did. Definitely a good call.


It is short stroke rotating bolt, and judging from the photo the barrel is free floated. Also seems like red dots will be commonly issued.

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14 hours ago, h44 said:

New family of Chinese standard issue weapons, this one being QBZ-191. Looks like they're also abandoning the bullpup for the conventional layout just as every other country who has adopted one already did. Definitely a good call.

Hahaha, indeed, although you're a little behind on this as it's been discussed very much in the main small arms thread.

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