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Sturgeon's House

The Small Arms And Dead Trees Thread


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This thread is for the best published sources for small arms information. We all on this forum are already aware of Hunnicutt's excellent series on armored fighting vehicles, but I get the impression that the best books on small arms and ammunition are not as well-recognized among posters on this forum. Indeed, I look forward to seeing what our Russian-language contributors suggest for the best books on small arms.

For those Russophones, in fact, I have a suggestion. I do not (yet) read Русский, but this series of books comes highly recommended by Maxim Popenker as being the end-all, be-all source on Russian military ammunition. It's written by Владислав Дворыанинов, whose website is here. That's Vladislav Dvoryaninov, for the Anglophones, though it won't do you any good as you'll have to search the Cyrillic term through Google.ru anyway.


Currently, there is no English translation, though I am going to try to lobby for one. It would be a monumental undertaking anyway, and would probably take a decade to translate it properly.


I will be updating this thread with my own post on recommended English-language small arms published works, so stay tuned. Anyone else who would like to contribute, have at, please!

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