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Sturgeon's House

The Return of Planet X

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They do cite the paper from a few months ago about how there could be a super-earth type planet(s) beyond Neptune. 


I'd put money that Planet "X" is eventually found and isn't just a dwarf. However I'd also bet that it doesn't happen for a couple years and by that point the mighty Caliphate will have conquered the Western World so there is no point. 

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One of my highschool teachers, I forget what exactly his argument was, but he was saying that he thought there is another planet beyond Pluto as well.  If I saw his reasoning again, I'd remember it, but it was at least convincing enough at the time for younger me.  I don't recall the Kuiper belt being mentioned, and I think it was more in regards to the distance of planets from the sun or something like that.

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One of my highschool teachers, I forget what exactly his argument was, but he was saying that he thought there is another planet beyond Pluto as well.  If I saw his reasoning again, I'd remember it, but it was at least convincing enough at the time for younger me.  I don't recall the Kuiper belt being mentioned, and I think it was more in regards to the distance of planets from the sun or something like that.


Sounds like it was based on orbital resonances.

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Professor Elliot: A face? A human face?

Enid Elliot: A ghastly caricature like something distorted by pressure. I can't think how else to describe it - a horrible, grotesque face looking right into my eyes!


Wow. I guess someone isn't getting past second base tonight.




I guess The Man From Planet X should have waited a little longer before showing her his conveniently placed phallic rocket graphic.

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Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it Planet IX? 

If we wanted it called Planet IX, maybe that asshole who demoted Pluto to a dwarf planet should have thought things out first before upsetting a hundred years of astronomical knowledge to prove a pedantic point.

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If we wanted it called Planet IX, maybe that asshole who demoted Pluto to a dwarf planet should have thought things out first before upsetting a hundred years of astronomical knowledge to prove a pedantic point.

Pluto sucks. It isn't even in the same orbital plane as the rest of the planets and its barycenter with Charon isn't in Pluto. So pathetic. Ceres might as well be called a planet if fucking Pluto is. 


Planet IX. 

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Pluto sucks. It isn't even in the same orbital plane as the rest of the planets and its barycenter with Charon isn't in Pluto. So pathetic. Ceres might as well be called a planet if fucking Pluto is.

Planet IX.

Colonising Ix will be great for the tech sector, at least.

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