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Posts posted by ApplesauceBandit




    I think this cage armor is very inefficient.







    Looks to me like the cage armor never mattered to begin with, seeing as it appears to have been hit a couple times in the front from something nasty.


    In terms of makeshift cage armor, is the issue with it mostly that it serves more as something that sets the charge off a moment sooner instead of actually destroying the missle?  Most of the makeshift stuff I see is more of a mesh material or random bars that don't quite have the same depth and thickness you would find on actual cage armor.

  2. hey sexy


    I can tell T-80s apart by their seemingly wider turret and the driver periscopes. 


    Modern T-72s and T-90s are basically the same thing, but T-72s usually don't have all those fancy do-dads on them. 


    So judging from the the replies here, I am at least a little justified in thinking that around once you hit the T-64 and T-72, Soviet tank development is a mess to keep track of.  The IR lamp on the T-64 is a nice little detail I hadn't noticed before.  The engine sounds are nice too if it's a video.


    For the T-90 without the angry eyes compared to a Kontakt-5 T-72, the differences in the turret here seem to most notably be the T-90 from the front isn't so rounded and from the side it looks a bit longer.

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