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Posts posted by Waffentrager

  1. Interservice rivalry in the Japanese armed forces were... weird.   In a way that probably cost the Japs a bunch of battles.


    They wouldn't even talk to each other or share intelligence information.

    It was truly bizarre.


    Imperial Japan was like that. The branches were all in a constant struggle against one another for the most political control of the government. Many coups and uprisings were present during its lifetime, rivalries were just as hostile as the Allies.

  2. I was in cringe for most of it. Only watching it for the lore. Tbh it ruined so much in S2, even as far as to say that all clones were decommissioned, even the 501st which in the EU had the most badassery out of any Imperial group. 



    I dont understand why they made it so child like. The Clone Wars was also an animation made by the same animators, yet it was much darker and gritty, plus having far better quality animation then Rebels. 

  3. Oh I agree Tied, I'm middle if not slightly EU based. I have no problems with the EU removal as long as they at least eventually bring back the truly amazing characters and events in one shape or another like they just recently proved to us they are doing. The "dark, gritty, massive universe" part is something I adored. Since SW films all have their own lightheartedness when it comes to that sort of thing. Episode 3 was my personal favorite because of the attempt at making the story darker than usual, the EU backstories helped. 




    Thrawn, Katarn, etc.. 

  4. I think that's particular to your circle of friends, then. The majority of people I know don't give a flying fuck about the EU, and even those that do aren't sad it's gone.

    Now, imagine if 1977 was just removed from canon? There'd be fucking riots in the streets. The reason for this is obvious.


    Different communities, different opinions. In the overall picture I think most people either dont know about the EU or just didnt mind it going away. I'm a bit biased since I only really got into the Saga by finding the wookipedia page and reading some amazing stories from the newly formed Legends.


    I'm sort of glad the EU is gone in the fact its easier to cope with remaking a new canon and not having to deal with a small percent of EU fans than keeping it and having tons of people rant about how the new films didnt follow the EU perfectly.

  5. The EU has pros and cons. Now and then you get a diamond story/backstory and the alike. Not all of it was good, but it made the SW Universe seem more detailed... hence "Expanded". 




    That's why we put up with the EU and how bad it is, and that's why nobody really gives a fuck that the EU's not canon anymore.


    Most of the people I see are the opposite. They are pissed with the EUs removal of canon. Which I get why it was done, so they can remake their own with tidbits of good that came from the EU.

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