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Posts posted by Priory_of_Sion

  1. If by some events occur that lead to the current nations of the Mid East to collapse and new nations form to take their place, what could the map look like? Ethnic, religious, cultural, and linguistics could play a major role in creating new nations. Some Kurds, Assyrians, Turkemen, and other groups are looking for independent states. Yemen, Iraq, and Syria are loosely held together as is and the other nations in the region are not too stable. What do you guys think the Middle East should, not necessarily will, look like? 

  2. Here you can see one of the issues with FSW; the area behind the wings is in some pretty hairy, turbulent airflow which reduces the effectiveness of any control surfaces that live there.  For this reason, most FSW designs feature canards.  I'm not entirely sure what the rationale behind having both canards and tailplanes on the berkut is.

    Here is a model of the F-18 using about the same colored smoke system for comparative purposes. 


    I don't see quite as much messiness behind the wing.


    I would think the tailwing wouldn't be too effective on a FSW plane but could still be somewhat useful as a elevator. Then again, I'm just a little smarter than Donward on this subject. 

  3. Meh...


    Planes. Planes. Planes. Planes.


    Wait a tick...





    Is that a redhead? Or a faded photo.


    Doesn't matter to me.


    Planes and redheads.


    Don's interested is suddenly piqued.

    How else was I suppose to get you to post in this thread? I don't know who she is, but she apparently was somehow involved with a FSW version of the F-16 which is pretty hot.


    Spanwise airflow patterns on a FSW Mig-23 model. 


  4. Well there is a handy dandy means of determining which is the case, that being that words have meanings, and rhinocerous and nashorn refer to the same animal. Other than that it's tall boxy and grey which is the height of pretension, especially when it doesn't have the armor to be a box tank.

    Tall is usually not a synonym for squat though, which is why I doubt it is talking about the Nashorn. 

  5. Have you ever been to a Nashorn's book party or had to stand behind one at Starbuck's when it is ordering a coffee? Let me tell you where that tank destroyer can stick its Panzerabwehrkanone 43/1

    I personally have never been invited to a Nashorn book party nor ever been to Starbucks. However I know that the Jagdpanzer IV is pretty squat and could very well be pretentious enough to be the "rhinoceros". I'm starting to think the Hetzer is too light. 

  6. Look what was published today.


    Dr. Jonathan House on the Eastern Front. House makes a compelling point on why Stalin allied with Hitler. That is that the alliance freed the Soviets from having to worry about immediate conflict with the Germans while they would rebuild their military. It wasn't that Stalin wanted to align himself with Hitler, it is that Stalin needed to in order to create an army that could defeat Hitler when war eventually broke out. 




    I'll post the rest of the series after I finish a paper for my classes. 


    Here we go. 


    Part 1C


    Part 2A


    Part 2B


    Part 2C


    Part 3A


    Part 3B 

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