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Everything posted by Waffentrager

  1. I haven't played any of the KOTOR games (not the recent MMO thing), but I did see some KOTOR movie conversions, it seemed like a neat story. But Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy best Star Wars, alongside the Republic Commando story.
  2. Someone who reads EU and knows what theyre talking about? I didn't know anyone else existed. :v Expanded Universe is what made Star Wars really indepth and addicting. Without it as canon the movies just seem flat.
  3. I'm sure Kylo Ren wanted his own absurd flagship like Darth Vader. But really, if we wanted something big and intimindating, he should have just made something absurd that can be combat effective.. From the short clips down in the movie, the cannons also seem to have a lore portion on the belly of the warship. It does have 3,000 turbolasers and ion cannons located throughout the ship to compensate for the lack of traverse, compared to the ISD 1's 1500. The multi layer deck is the obvious primary problem with the ship besides the bridge, too many high risen decks means obvious lack of fire support from both sides, and over all lack of protection. The pro of it means that in the case proton bombs are ejected onto the superstructure they have easier locking. At least thats if the internals are structured properly, which isnt for sure until they give insight on the layout in the future.
  4. I'm not a fan of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer. According to the canon its supposed to be the New Order's model of the Executor-class dreadnought, just significantly smaller (twice the size of the Imperial I class). Instead of adding ISD-72x shield generators that actually work (Apparently they never even used them in the original trilogy..), they thought it would be smart to spend more resources making the hull larger to cover the bridge and limit the eye view.
  5. ^^^^^ 최근 공개된 북한의 최신전차 폭풍호(M-2002)에 대한 추측성 분석
  6. Ki-10 Manual 九五式戦闘機 (Not Translated yet) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLX1pESUNzMmVrZlk/view Ki-44 Manual 鍾馗 (Not Translated yet) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLVjV3a2hGMkRuZnM/view Nakajima Type99 Ha25 Manual (Not Translated yet) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLSnhob1d1bVFoVlk/view Nakajima Aircraft Engine List Line Type 1 (Translated) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLd2ZObFgzWUJOR1k/view Nakajima Aircraft Engine List Air Cooled Single Row Radials 2 (Translated) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLc2JnVGlXaU0xdlE/view Nakajima Aircraft Engine List Air Cooled Double Row Radials and a jet Engine 3 (Translated) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLeVdwM2N6bmFmamM/view
  7. Don't know where to post this and since the topic of AK series is still relevant, maybe one of you can assist me. I went to Nepal when I was young on a trip to help out the issues that have been going on poverty wise. Long story short a friend I made there gave me a bayonet he held close to him, I've had it for almost 10 years now and just kept it in very poor shape (I'll take blame for that). Though I don't exactly know its origins besides the fact it may be a AK style bayonet, sure one of you can tell me the specific model. Large pictures, taken from mobile. So I'll just post the links. http://i.imgur.com/ZMxAl6C.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lss7WUM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2oLlJ15.jpg http://i.imgur.com/oarQGDX.jpg
  8. He's not the best informant by any means. I've had to point out errors regarding some of his american videos as well (not to him). But he does best in his editing and narration, so its pleasing to look at. He moved away from firearms, no doubt because theyre too complex for him to fully handle outside of gaming standards.
  9. I knew you'd like that part. Besides his clear error regarding the AK/STG point, I think he did an over all good general roundup of the series, his narrating voice included.
  10. People will try anything to try and bash proven firearms of a prior age. On the note of the Kalashnikov,
  11. We don't, but Abrams gave us his clues very well. The fact the "Snoke" soundtrack is the same one as the ost used in Episode 3 when Sidious mentioned the dark lord to Anakin being the most clear clue. But we'll see. Dialogue wise, but some of his actions in the EU were sort of bland. I'm a massive EU fan, and I agree Kylo has a lot more going for himself in this new trilogy. And no doubt he'll surpass Jacen soon. I mean who wouldnt want to act like a Darth Vader copy when he is the best grandfather your father never was?
  12. I'm a very large Anakin fan, especially in Episode 3. Sidious always seemed like a pretty pointless Emperor. And technically was a puppet for Darth Plagueis (Snoke) the entire time. I wouldn't go that far yet. Jacen was at least a successful commander of his army to the end. Kylo doesnt seem to be very admired by his own soldiers, going off some of the reactions the first order troopers gave him.
  13. IP boards requires you to have a certain post limit before enabling all features last time I checked. If so then in this case you would need an Administrator to do it for you.
  14. If the skin's description inaccuracy displeases you, then click the spoiler at your own risk, ... it's much more horrifying.
  15. As far as the books are concerned, even when he killer his father, Kylo Ren still had remorses. So I don't think that's the case. If anything JJ Abrams kept him alive for his 'return to the light' story. Over all the film was very well produced, despite Kylo's actor having a broken leg halfway through the movie. It surprisingly followed the EU rather well. Having a vaguely similar plot and EU actors turned canon (Darth Caedus into Kylo Ren), and etc. I think of it as the third best of the saga at the moment, just behind Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi. I did not like how they went about it. I think the idea of his comrades remembering his treason, but they poorly acted it. When TR-8R called him out, there was no personal context between Finn nor the trooper. It would have been better acted if they had dialogue giving insight on their relationship. Kylo calling him out? Made no sense to me. Why would he care for a single trooper? He's currently my favorite character as well. I think he was well molded from Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo (also their similarity in acting like an emo crybaby at first impression) from the old EU. The fact he was from the 'light' and converted into the dark side makes him a potentially strong character if trained correctly. The same with Anakins past, those who turn always come out the strongest in the Dark Side. Not to mention Plagueis.
  16. Tu-16 Badger https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLTUhuT25QSkVCRFU/view Sukhoi T-50 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLWUR1WDFpcm1OcWM/view German MiG-29 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLaUhMZ1BoakNRcVk/view
  17. Not that much better at all, not going to disagree there. But the joke was to use it for this (WT joke, probably wouldnt get the reference);
  18. If I had my prior computer I'd show you the irony. But it wasnt the Islamic state, it was the Islamic Front or something similar (decal request to meme with). Mods just jumped conclusions and called me an IS supporter. The same mod that was kicked from his position and banned for it.
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