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Posts posted by Ulric

  1. Well, in addition to selling grenades that you can dupe into existence, I found another financial exploit in Lost Alpha.


    You can talk to other stalkers through your PDA, sometimes to buy things, sometimes to sell things, sometimes to tell a joke, etc. If you hunt around, you can find a stalker that is willing to sell you something that another stalker wants to buy from you. The seller is usually asking for a higher price than the buyer, so at first it seems like you are just going to lose money. Well, it turns out that in addition to the laws of thermodynamics, the zone warps economic laws as well. Both the seller and the buyer are willing to make the deal at over inflated prices, so once you get the item for the stalker, you can immediately buy it back from him for less than what he payed you to get it. The items I was playing with was getting me a 1000ru reward, and cost me 510ru to buy back. Additionally, once you buy the item back from the stalker, he suddenly finds himself in need of one, and you can set up another meeting via your PDA to sell him the same item that you just bought from him for an inflated price. I also discovered that the game will not let NPC stalkers go into debt, so you can just rinse and repeat until you have any amount of money that you need.


    Also, this description cracks me up.



  2. Rule number one; don't yank the FBI, or the CIA, any any government agency for that matter. They may waste their time on stupid shit, but they hate it when you waste their time on stupid shit.


    From what I remember about my familiarization session with DHS, they take every threat seriously, even the prank ones. That means that they respond to every threat seriously, again, even the prank ones.


    So, Soda Ghost weebfag, here is your lesson: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  3. So, as you guessed, this thread is primarily for the STALKER series, including mods and what not, as well as STALKEResque games.


    So, lets start with a screenshot from the Cordon in Lost Alpha 1.3003



    I downloaded and installed the latest Lost Alpha patch. The last time I played Lost Alpha, the story line was poo, and in typical STALKER fashion, it was "buggier than a crack whore with the sniffles", to quote Yahtzee. However, it does deliver some of the best environments and game play atmosphere that I have seen in a long damn time. My first thought that I had as I was romping around the Cordon was the striking similarity to the 1979 film, in terms of the lush vegetation and terrain. They go on further to integrate bits and set pieces from multiplayer maps, other games in the series, as well as content that was cut from the original game during development. Remember all those highly detailed parts on your map that where just part of the satellite photo and not actually playable area? Yeah, those have been added in. Also, many of the original maps have been heavily reworked, and I would say improved.

  4. https://na.wargaming.net/support/kb/articles/513


    You have to deal with WG support, but Tekky was able to recover his Pz38H that he sold years ago.


    You just have to prove that you owned it and played battles in it. You also need enough credits and garage slots to recover it. The credits required should be the amount you got when you sold it, IIRC.


    Now, when Tekky recovered his Pz38H, they did try to bullshit him a little bit and say that they couldn't find proof that he ever owned it, so he responded with screenshots of his service record and told them to try again.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Sturgeon said:

    Frankly, animea should be like homosexuality: It's OK to be one, as long as you hide it from everyone.


    That's just called being polite. It's quite rude to go around bashing people over the head with your sexual preferences until they are coerced into publicly endorsing them. If you do that, people will just call you a faggot, and they will be right in more ways than one.


    I'm sure that everyone here knows that I enjoy the occasional animea, and they mock me for it, as they should. The derision and shame helps to keep people from going off the deep end and surrounding themselves with body pillows depicting prepubescent girls in a sexually explicit manner. The T110 thread is a fine example of what happens where there is a lack of public shaming.

  6. Yeah, I got 1.2 million credits for "free". I sold the LTTB because I have no reason or desire to play it. I just wish the 500k XP I have on it moved with the T-54 lightweight, just like the crew and stats did.


    But you know, having half mil XP on a tank that you never played means your avg XP per battle is absolutely redonk.

  7. Ok, I did play some games, and I found a way to abuse the new MM even harder than before. The Valentine II and Pz B2 will almost always be in a very favorable match. MM always makes sure that the high tier tanks are outnumbered by low tier tanks, unless it has enough of a single tier to fill an entire battle. What this means is that most of the time you will only have 4-7 other tier 4 tanks to contend with, and 8-11 tier 3 tanks to club like the filthy pedo that you are.


    This also means that pref 3s got a serious buff, because they will only have to fight a limited number of tier 4s, and when they are top tier, they will not have much competition from other tier 3s.


    This doesn't really work to well with tier 8 pref, simply because of the power creep that has occurred at that tier. What I have found is that you will usually be in an entirely tier 8 match, or be facing tier 9s. I didn't play that many battles in tier 8 pref, though.


    I will say this, the new system give MM another dimension in which it can completely fuck you. I have seen battles where the limited number of top tier tanks is rather lopsided in terms of tanks selection. One team got an arty and two light tanks for top, the other team got a T-54, a light tank, and an arty. Effectively, the T-54 was the only tier 9 tank in that battle, and he got to stomp on a bunch of 7s and 8s. This new system makes it dangerous to take in niche and one trick pony (read bad) tanks like the FV4005. Something that used to be fun to take in every once in a while is now a major hindrance for your team. So, if you want a good chance of winning tier 10 battles, you are almost always required to take some variety of try hard all rounder such as an E5, 113, hard top med, etc. Forget taking tier 10 arty, you are just depriving your team of one of the precious few slots that you need for your carry tanks.

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