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Everything posted by Vanagandr

  1. i couldn't show up to all the battles for the mapness tourney because my brakes broke, and now my team is one win away from placing high enough to get the KV-5 I'm so salt fug
  2. 100 hp, better gun stats, not guaranteed face pens; upgraded turret is a huge asset
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_tank_problem Didn't feel like starting a new topic; this one seems most relevant
  4. It's called snake shot usually, I think. I've shot a decent amount of it, but I'm not sure I've ever hit anything with it.
  5. I mean I can always just play the ignorant American card and explain how in my native land it is common to get involved in a gunfight in the morning before I can even walk through the bat-wing doors at the bar and brothel where I work as the quiet shady character who sits at in the back with boots kicked up on the table and hat drawn over the face.
  6. I don't think it's a bad thing that WG has been implementing things that have been in mods for literally years. I would love to play on a vanilla client with a built-in carousel, and they finally put some useful info onto the minimap. It's not a bad thing that they're actually improving some areas of their game. Besides, WG will never implement warpack, so the modding community will always have something to keep working on, hue hue
  7. It wouldn't surprise me either if Russia in general doesn't feel the same way about guns that most of Europe seems to. It should be born in mind that I only ever got onto the topic of guns with maybe twenty people overall, so it's a small sample size.
  8. I think I talked about it in some post I made about traveling to Germany, but everyone I talked to about American gun culture while I was overseas seemed to think it must be terrifying living in a land where people are allowed to own guns just for the sake of owning guns. I told them about having a friend who owns a non-fully automatic AK, and occasionally shooting it, and people would give me this look like I was absolutely crazy to willingly hold something as ~~dangerous~~ as a gun, or they would ask me why I wanted to shoot it, as if there was any more reason to shoot an AK at my shitty old phone than to absolutely destroy my shitty old phone. Some of them also kind of implicitly implied that the only reason to go target shooting is if you are practicing to go on a shooting spree, which made me kind of salty. The difference in mindset is fascinating to me, because up to that point I don't know that I had ever met anyone who wasn't used to the idea of people being able to own guns. I wish I had talked to the Russian I met about guns, just to see if he had the same take as Tied on guns.
  9. What's worse is that the Rudy no longer gets the dog bark as its sixth sense indicator. They're trying to sell the Rudy right as the only reason to buy the Rudy got broken by the last patch.
  10. I thought Nightwish was dead. Time to see if they have made new music. In the meanwhile
  11. Trusting google to find the correct flag when I type in "Confederate Navy Jack" is a mistake. Lee used it as a battle flag I though, but I was pretty sure it was only a square version of the linked flag, and not the rectangular version. It's totally semantics, but the goal isn't to win in high school debate club, it's to antagonize people. A more purist thing to do might be to bait them into calling that flag the "Stars and Bars" and then correct them on it but showing off your superior flag knowledge still isn't functional as an argument.
  12. So interesting thing; if you were not aware, this is not the flag of the Confederate States of America. If you ever feel the need to antagonize country posers in uselessly large trucks with massive smokestacks and shit, let them know that what they have plastered on their cab's rear window is not actually the flag of the CSA, and is instead the navy jack of the CSA, and then feel free to let them know that they don't know shit about the rebellion they claim to represent.
  13. I think. Spotted hyena females are also just bigger in general, but the purpose of their dingly dangly diddly dongly doodly diggly dong bits is to assert dominance by putting them into poopers, so I suppose it would make sense for them to be exaggerated proportionally.
  14. Both genders of spotted hyenas have penis-shaped genitalia, both have penile spines, and both use them to penetrate the other sex. Sex presumably hurts for whichever gender is receiving, although maybe it doesn't hurt both at the same time.
  15. I should get a job somewhere near where my ISP's CEO lives and just dedicate my life to running into him once, and then discretely fucking him over Haha he lives in NJ, I can do nothing to make his life more miserable
  16. I don't know if you got to the part where they put cottage cheese into the AK, but it's a totally facetious video
  17. I have to call and yell at my ISP at least once a week for them shitting the bed. I ask why I'm paying for a service that I'm not getting, and like half the time they'll credit the account for a couple days. I'm not sure I'm getting a bill anymore, but I think I'd rather have consistent internet service.
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