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Everything posted by T___A

  1. TIL one of my ancestors was taken prisoners by the Confederates at Chickamauga.
  2. Bernie can still win! http://www.newsweek.com/hillary-clinton-president-trump-russia-probe-lawrence-lessig-784081?amp=1
  3. ugh the best GOP senatorial candidate for Arizona is a A-10boo. I understand that it because she flew them in combat but it's still dumb.
  4. Somehow I doubt that: http://www.newsweek.com/russia-drones-nuclear-weapons-pentagon-leak-781075
  5. @LoooSeR Without Google can you guess the significance of this image?
  6. If this is true ouch: https://www.yahoo.com/news/10-000-killed-chinas-1989-tiananmen-crackdown-british-063526012.html
  7. It's what they use to store pictures on rickets.
  8. I saw it. I don't know how a film can have scenes so good and scenes so bad. I hate it.
  9. No I mean why should we think that it is patently false? You're still not seeing Ulric's point. Ulric is saying because rights are intrinsic to a person's existence, that they objectively exist, how people or society feel or act has no bearing on whether or not they exist. It's like coming into a discussion about electricity and saying "Well because certain people viewed existence as merely atoms and the void electricity didn't exist until the last few centuries." It's just a non sequitur.
  10. That may be true, but it is irrelevant to Ulric's point. Why should we think that?
  11. The last time a president was dumped from the ticket by his party was 1856. The bully pulpit is simply too strong to give up no matter how bad the candidate.
  12. Welp, the last recipient of the Order of Victory died.
  13. This is an amazing article: http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a13266971/election-2016-behind-the-scenes/
  14. http://babylonbee.com/news/praying-doesnt-help-anything-says-man-whose-idea-helping-trolling-internet/
  15. is, is Trump gonna undo FDR and the great depression and return the US as a GOP single party state?
  16. Jesus Christ the Democratic Party was ran horribly: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/02/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774
  17. Possible attack in NYC. 6 dead https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/10/31/nyregion/police-shooting-lower-manhattan.html?referer=https://www.google.com/
  18. Kevin Spacey accused of being a pederast: https://www.buzzfeed.com/adambvary/anthony-rapp-kevin-spacey-made-sexual-advance-when-i-was-14?utm_term=.msxWX30zD#.qhW2EA1Mp
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