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Posts posted by FaustianQ

  1. Privatized prisons tend to be hellholes, and stuck in with an incestuous relationship with local law enforcement since such prisons are not completely private - like most institutions in the US, it's usually subsidized by public funding, thus they need maximum participation for maximum profit and to keep the sweet free money flowing.


    Something like prisons should not be a money making endeavor, and if anything is to be gained from imprisoning people it should be a public good. Instead they just act as recruitment centers for gangs as citizens get thrown in on minor charges.

  2. The Exclusion Zone is not as large as some people think and large portions of it still are populated to some extent. 


    Further, the radioactivity in the area is hyped to hell from what I understand. The real danger is that is a treasure trove and a wasteland, less so the radiation.

  3. Actually, a recent article someone passed along to me explains why the US is highly unlikely to ever pick that practice up. http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/08/29/spy-kids/


    Basically there is no loyalty to the US due to the dissonance in values the country espouses but then does not follow, and a complete lack of viewing jobs as permanent things. Authority, whether it be private or public, is looked upon as automatically corrupt and self-serving. Increasingly, newer generations will actually have stronger ties to the internet, the globe, and to the espoused ideals of the US rather than to the nation itself, hell I'd count myself among them yet I weep and hope for the US yet.


    This has a lot of roots in different sectors of the US, from economic to social and can only be addressed by serious reforms. Basically, to retard this the state actually needs to begin large scale support and public works projects to improve public and generational perception and support. Government needs to support business with a proven track record of effective employee support. Austerity and continued support of the financial sector is likely only to reinforce the perception that neither public or private institutions have any interest in the general population, and in fact it's likely your most educated which will continue to drift away.


    IMHO, this also might explain where ISIS gets a lot of foreign fighters, they're early products of this process radicalizing to something they perceive to have a stronger, more robust connection to that they can pledge service or loyalty to.

  4. California is fucked anyway, the eventuality of flooding from the ocean will turn the cities into swampland and the interior into a lake, obliterating basically why Cali is important. It's on a fault line as well, so at some point nature is going to want to gobble the coastline up anyway, I'm not sure the expense of a massive levee to prevent the ocean from flooding in is worth it.

  5.  They already have "touched" U.S. TD's.  Check stats on the M18 for example..


    Now.. WoT is unabashedly "a game".. WT is trying to stand on the column of "historical accuracy" while failing to even crack a book to try and get there. 


    So I cut WoT a bit of slack, since it's effectively the virtual equivalent of playing with model tanks on the livingroom carpet. 

    Gaijin on the other hand is trying to proffer itself as being somehow devoted to historical accuracy, while producing such laughable mistakes as ridiculous module location and innumerable stealth nerfs.


    Now you've never hit an invisi-rock, had some kind of wacky rubberbanding or seen a slew of absurd bounces?

    Lucky you. Many however have, and a brief Youtube search will turn them up in volume.


    When a game tries to differentiate itself from the others via claims of historical accuracy, then fails to even come close in many of it's efforts (often by sheer sloth), I'm going to give it a hell of a lot more flak than the one that is selling itself as a simple tank-type game.


    RPM nerfs? All US tanks were hit by them, not just TDs, it's about the only stat they're flexible on. For quite awhile the RPM on US tanks was forcing the BR to insane levels, so they decided knocking the RPM down was better than raising the BR on what few tanks the US has, and making it an unpleasant tree to play. Heck, the M8A1 Scott has been repeatedly hit by RPM nerfs because it's just so damn good, and they had to push the BR up even then to the point it's not really an era 1 tank, in most ways it's strictly better than most era 1 tanks.


    Speaking of cracking a book, they recently revisited their entire penetration mechanic which is now based off of WW2 Armor and Gunnery.


    I'm already a critic of Gaijin though, so don't take me defending WTGF for defending them. I like CARB way better than WoT, the experience is superior, I don't have to like Gaijin sticking the T-34-85s transmission and the GM 6046 inside the M103. Maybe I just burned completely out of WoT, I spent most of my time sans like 6 months fighting in clan wars as an "officer" of some sort. The gameplay just grew boring rote, and memorized, while WTGF is still fresh for me.

  6. Yes, you live in some alternate universe where WTGF is not a steaming pile.

    Freak bounces happen in WoT, but it's not a "10% chance against anything" kind of thing.


    That's Tiberius saying that, a known wehraboo and fucking idiot, I wouldn't take him seriously. There ae still a bunch of dumbass things in WTGF, like Parts/FPE and as a rule WoT has better devs, but the actual combat in WTGF is way more satisfying than WoT's is.


    Freak bounces in tanks also make less of an impact on a fight.

    WTGF needs things to be dead on right because sample sizes are generally pretty low.


    My experience in WoT was pretty much that freak bounces were just as "welp, I'm dead".

  7. That is putting it mildly in some cases. 

    There are some players who have been involved since the game's inception, trying to make the game better and help others have fun in it, and this one stupid act by Gaijin seems to have pushed them over the edge.


    I'm betting the staff at WG are "Sensibly Chuckling " at what Gaijin has done. Between how they're nerfbatting U.S TD's, and chasing people out of their forums, they are basically chasing customers toward Wargaming's offerings.



    It's amusing to think that the one thing that saves WoWP is Gaijin shooting itself in the foot, then expiring of the resultant customer exsanguination, because they were too stupid and stubborn to do anything about it.


    They haven't and are unlikely to touch US TDs, all game forums are toxic especially on free to plays. Gaijin forums can be especially toxic since a lot of former WoT wehraboos go there because it's the only other tanks game.


    WoWP is pretty much dead and will stay that way since it'll basically never beat War Thunder air combat.


    More fun and "accuracy" from Gaijin-





    Ohh boy.


    I saw you complain about freak bounces up thread yet that's the kind of shit that would happen all the time in WoT and still happens. In this instance, Gaijin has hilariously screwed up their overmatch (which sits at x10 instead of x2), yet their ballistic model is still more correct by a longshot than the incredibly simple one WoT uses.


    I seriously must be playing a different game each time from everyone in both WoT and WTGF because the shit people complain about either doesn't phase me or just doesn't happen. I can't take complaints about invisirocks, or shots deflecting off a AAA truck, etc, seriously because that has never been my experience and I'd have to make an effort of it replicate it.

  8. While you can make effective claims for awful teachers holding onto their jobs forever, it's easy enough to say that to become a teacher is highly unrewarding. Part of it comes form this countries outlook, which IMHO needs to change. Teachers are the one of the most important jobs next to childcare I can think of, as they are responsible for raising and training the next generation. People in both should be brought to a higher standard and a higher level of pay. Yet, without some minimum standards for both the professionals and institutions to follow, it'll become a race-to-the-bottom focus on the budget, whether it be through a dearth of funding like in poor urban areas, or where profit matters most, like a charter school (which I highly dislike).


    Also, color skeptical any move of universities to private funding, wherein the wealthy will have near exclusive influence and attendance. You already have a momentous task of getting society to drop university/college requirements for a growing number of positions, reducing universities to STEM factories for the wealthy doesn't seem to solve anything. However, I'm jumping ahead of you, as you haven't really explained fully what you meant.


    Bear in mind that these aren't people who have practiced wearing armor since they were children, as many in the nobility of the middle ages would have.


    I don't mean to turn an appreciation station into an argument thread, but I've always been irked about the dumb 15th century France v Japan arguments and that somehow a 15th century Japanese army would totally not be fucked. The Japanese didn't really have heavy units, but France sure as shit had light ones and as a rule they'd be better trained/experienced too. Further Japanese fighting style would be at a disadvantage while the French could easily get away with being sloppy(er).

  10. I've met actual people (employed, even) who need help changing a light bulb. If they'd had to take a shop class of any sort they'd still be in school.


    Christ that's awful, but at least you get annoyed at people for reasonable things, Ill get exasperated with people being stupid about computers. I really don't understand though how basic maintenance, either software or hardware, is some kind of mystical gnome magic.


    I personally agree with Mech, why they hell can't private and public cars exist together? Honestly this seems less like a way to kill private ownership and rather a way to kill taxis and uber forever. I'd also rather not have Google control this, but have it publicly funded and publicly answerable at the municipal or state level. Like this could be a huge force for good, as private transportation is a real barrier to success, but no Google focuses replacing private transportation like some lameass super villain.


    "I'll get you next time, AUTOMOBILE HAVERS!!" *Shakes fist, pets cat*

  11. I wish they were too, because they are good and do help especially in impoverished areas, as they are easier to set up and easier to fund. Teaching poor people to be coders, technicians and engineers does wonders for their prospects, either allowing them to move to a better area or enriching their area. One of the BIG issues related to poverty is education, as business don't have a ready labor pool to draw from in poverty stricken areas (endless cycle, downward spiral, etc) so they just don't move there (combined with the higher crime rates).


    I don't perfectly know how to implement it, I really don't, but pushing through education reform so that public school can actually meet impoverished areas needs, combined with technical schools and cooperation with business to incentivize moving to the local area should help. It's more than mere education though, a lot of these places have a negative attitude because they've received the shitty end of the stick for so long.

  12. Reduced reproductive rates are a result of a developed, post industrial nation. Not tying success to childbirth/rearing but rather to personal accomplishment that men and women can engage in refocuses peoples priorities. As a general rule, people just have more to do and accomplish in such a society.

  13. I'm rather fond of most of the classes I took to get an actual well-rounded education. It isn't much of a requirement, and the history courses I took voluntarily far outnumbered them.


    And I'd much rather deal with people who have at least a smattering of knowledge outside their specialization. I honestly hope we don't turn all our colleges into STEM knowledge mills.


    Wisconsin is trying really hard to make that a reality.


    Maybe with our coming machine overlords nominally useless degrees (such as philosphy) will have more meaning.

  14. The rich sitting in automated fortresses while the world burns is more likely than us embracing each other in peace, love and understanding. The problem is that once machines can replace humans for work, the only reason to keep the proles around is because the immediate negative consequences are too severe. There are, however, no positive consequences to keeping 7 billion people alive with many who only contribute to society by consuming goods and are otherwise useless.


    The powerful see machines as a way to solve the "poor problem"

  15. I guess I should breed upwards then because my family shits out twins and sometimes triplets like no tomorrow.


    You can see however that the idea of technological unemployment is creeping into the minds of even economists and politics when the UBI/GMI is gaining traction. I guess the calculus is that letting the population and economy contract by doing nothing is simply far worse and heading off Full Communism™ with a basic social service state is the better trade off. I'm sure if they felt comfortable doing so, they'd just let everything play out.


    This does mean that work period would idolized, a status symbol that puts you above everyone else because clearly, you are more valuable since your work cannot be replaced by a machine. I know Cyberpunk loves to paint machines as the oppressed slaves, but maybe it's possible that machines will be a class above the base consumer.

  16. US 90mm guns in WT are the most glorious bullshit, and the best analogue I can come up with WT would be if all 90mm guns started doing 750 damage instead of 240. It gets better as you go up to Era 5, where only US and Russia are relevant.


    "Hey guys, I've got the Maus now, and and a Jagdtiger!"

    "That's nice Germany, can you go play while mommy and daddy talk?"

  17. I worded it incorrectly, I'm not saying I specifically support the idea that freedom/liberty/justice et al necessarily bring about what they profess to exist for as concepts, rather that I am postulating why such concepts gained traction, esp. W/R/T the fact that authoritarianism is a known quantity. At this point I'm just retreading libertarian (original meaning) thought processes, IE that only true egalitarianism and peace can be achieved by willing consensus, and that current forms of it are either state, ethical or cultural coercion that someone will inevitably rebel against, thus defeating the purpose of the endeavor. I will however own that I think authoritarism exacerbates the problem, and that a policy of militaristic intervention based on otherization is inherently bad policy.


    This is terribly off topic though.

  18. Otherwise it's just going to circle the drain where both side's extremists cement control by portraying the other side as an existential threat that only they're tough enough to damage (and thereby play into the other side's hardliners' narrative and propagating the whole thing).


    This is the inherent problem, form my perspective, of why Neoconservativism or just plain warmongering is unsustainable. Each side will forever increase aggressive rhetoric because their power comes from from specifically having inventing or creative ideas on how to lead, but from otherizing and for that other to be a real threat. Neoconservatism shares brothers in trotskites and fascists, both hoping to perpetuate some kind of perpetual war/revolution for ideological reasons that just align with MIC enough to gain traction.

    It also underlines, personal view, where authoritarianism causes issues, namely conformity. You will inevitably have those that refuse to conform to status quo, especially since you will have fewer powerful positions to fill than you have people seeking such power. This threat to your power is incredibly easy to otherize and simply be being a threat, some use of force or suppression is inevitable. From my view, this is the whole point of the nebulous idea of freedom and liberty, to create a society without such a flaw such that it promotes stability, and with it growth, prosperity, and security.

  19. But you see, the doctors, who've spent countless dollars and time learning their profession and how to treat the human body, are wrong. They are only cleverly dressed salesmen trying to push evil, autism inducing drugs on your defensless children! Stop the predation, stop BigPharma, we need to return to a more naturalistic, wholesome medicine!


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