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Everything posted by Ulric

  1. People want to watch football, not have politics shoved down their throats. The advice that I've gotten for business is to remain as apolitical as possible. Even in the firearms industry, you really need to keep it in check. Not everyone is going to think what you think, and if you aren't a political commentator, people probably aren't coming to you for political commentary.
  2. It's so rewarding to see the list of modules destroyed. Quadruple KV-2 squad could be fun.
  3. Good time to get a premium account. Last time they had a sale I got half a year for $20
  4. If there is one, I haven't noticed it. There is a penality if you aren't out of tanks o in that any tanks you could have spawned in will be locked until the battle is over.
  5. The Synthesis is almost as broken and OP as the powerful radar detector. Initially, I was running a double Synthesis build as well, but in one match we didn't know the displacement of the remainder of the enemy team. I decided that we would not have to endure any uncertainty again, so I dropped one Synthesis for the powerful radar detector, a light engine, more frame spam, as some decorative armored flaps.
  6. Speaking of speed and firepower, I made a thing.
  7. I've had trouble in the easy version of that mode. I found out that my wheeled carapace can just barely keep up with them. Winning in that mode requires speed, firepower, and armor. Unfortunately, you can only pick two at a time.
  8. Convertible RP accrues as fast as regular RP. It's their method of encouraging you to drop money on the game. I'm discovering that power grinding high tiers is best done in PvE. I've been getting about 7-8k per match. Granted, the matches take longer, but it's less frustrating.
  9. Oh yeah, buy a T-35. Don't ask questions, just do it.
  10. @RobotMinisterofTrueKorea is grinding to the T-64 right now. High tier premiums blue through low tier tanks very quickly. Honestly, buying the object 120 is going to be one of the fastest ways, because then you only need to research and purchase two other rank 5 tanks. The Object 906 is going be the cheapest and the fastest, and then you need one other. The problem is that unless you want to buy a bunch of respawns for your 120, you won't want to drive it because it is the only BR 8.0 premium that Russia has. As far a premiums, the IS-6 has issues, but it's tough, fast, and hits like a wrecking ball. You could do a combination of the IS-6, T-44-122, and T-34-100 to get half of your rank 4 vehicles out of the way, and then use those to grind out the rest.
  11. Dank DPS, good accuracy, splash damage, fast projectile, lots of HP.
  12. Yes, but you could just use a regular build with several Synthesis and murder the wedge build before they can do anything to you.
  13. They give Western tanks a fair number of later, more advanced projectiles, and they tweaked the performance of APDS so it doesn't suck anywhere near as bad as it should. Gotta balance out stronk Soviet tanks somehow.
  14. So, I discovered that having a couple dozen L11s flinging APDS at you from 3 different sides can destroy any tank, and I was getting frustrated with my attempts to dig in and fend off waves of impirealist or wehraboo scum from a poorly entrenched position. So, I grabbed my Object 906 and drove around like a retard freely dispensing 85mm APHE into the sides of the unwashed hordes, occasionally bouncing KwK 43 or L1/L11 shots off of my aluminum foil "armor".
  15. Out in Colorado, the cops will look at you funny if you don't have a knife, especially out in the county. I have been openly carrying my CZ on the handful of occasions that I've had interactions with the police, and the response I got ranged from "well, just don't shoot anybody" to "you guys, you need to shoot more criminals. By the time we show up, they've laid down arms, they don't want to fight the cops". And yes, those are both honest to God quotes. About only half the time did they ask to hold onto my weapon during the course of our interaction, and every time I got it back. Turns out, not dressing like a slob, practicing basic hygiene, and being polite will get you a long ways.
  16. how much are you willing to pay for an account with a T-64?
  17. We didn't hear that part. I think something broke because we thought that you rage quit when you suddenly disconnected. The last thing we heard was something along the lines of a sarcastic "that's great, this is so much fun" followed by "user disconnected from channel"
  18. The grind to it is less painful because it is the start of it's own branch, so you don't need to unlock specific tanks, just rank 6.
  19. The play of the night last night was when @RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a quadruple kill bombing run with a Tu-2. That match was great for aircraft in general. I tagged a T-34-57 in the turret with a 7.5cm round from a HS-129, knocking him out. Later I kamikazed a Ki-63 into a SPAAG at the end of the match.
  20. We didn't mute you, there was just no response that we could have made at that time.
  21. The areas around the gun are a weak point, and the backside of the upper glacis has a large vertical cut out around the driver position. I don't know how those panels behave yet when encountering objects, most of the time driving it was spent either terrain masking my way to a firing position, or playing darts on enemy tanks from those positions.
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