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Everything posted by Ulric

  1. I can't wait for the apoplectic media spin on this one. Edit; swipe text is still learning my lexicon.
  2. From what I've gathered, any sub par effort in the disaster response in Puerto Rico is because the territorial government is corrupt and inept.
  3. Fixing Puerto Rico is some next level stuff, and it comes on the heels of two other major hurricanes that hit major population centers. Restoring an entire island with +3 million people that had had over 90% of it's electrical grid destroyed and many roads rendered impassable is a Herculean effort. Naturally, when this disaster takes time to recover from, anti-Trump news agencies will be down there filming any human suffering they can find, and putting it on the air to show that Trump is evil and malicious. I'm curious if we have reached critical mass yet where this kind of stunt only hurts the people trying to pull it. We saw the person it Texas ripping CNN a new asshole for going around stuffing cameras in people's faces after having lost everything. We have seen the pictures of a dozen "journalists" crowded around a single trash fire. This kind of propaganda is likely going to serve to only further isolate the viewership, instead of converting more people to their side. Colli is right, CNN needs to be rabidly anti-Trump, otherwise they will lose their audience. However, being anti-Trump will only destroy you in the long run. Every time the dust settles, you see Trump stepping over the piles of slain enemies as he marches on towards his objectives.
  4. U-5TS APFSDS not stronk enough to defeat Object 120. I returned the dart favor, and he caught it in the ammo rack.
  5. I had a beautiful opportunity to use my DShK to paint the inside of someone's turret.
  6. So, my initial assessment is that the IS-3, while sexy, is garbage. First, it has trouble turning, even in AB, on anything other than pavement. Second, it has a very long reload, and at 7.3 the D-25 is starting to show it's limitations. Third, the ammunition is stored everywhere, so it is almost guaranteed that a penetrating hit will outright kill you. Heavy for heavy, the IS-6 is superior to the IS-3, and BR for BR, the T-54 mod. 47 is a better tank. I want to try reverse side scraping with the IS-3, but I'm not sure about the utility of that maneuver when the tank is unable to turn on some terrain.
  7. The results of last night's drunken T-35 clubfest are in.
  8. I'd believe that they lose penetration after going through barriers, but I've never had it cause an issue for me. I've knocked out many a panzer who thought that a mud hut was sufficient cover.
  9. I have grass disabled when looking through the sights, outside of that, I play the game at the unrecommended "movie" setting. In AB, disabling grass just speeds up target acquisition. The real unfair advantage is knowing what buildings and other "cover" your gun is blind to. Nothing like 122mm APHE getting people through buildings to get people yelling about hacks and Russian bias.
  10. The hard left is famous for projecting their own negative attributes onto political opponents.
  11. I assume the other sites got involved in politics in some way or another.
  12. What a lovely afternoon for a stroll through the desert with my T-34. Then, I turned around and looked at the sand behind me, and I saw only one set of tracks, for I had carried the entire team.
  13. not my gun porn, but hard core gun porn none the less
  14. Sadly, he wasn't even ideologically consistent. He denied that all white people are racists, but based on the logic of "racism = prejudice + power" all white people are racists. Intersectionalism says that white males can't understand the suffering that they bring to non whites and non males, and they hold the most political power in this country. Since they do not understand their privilege, they continue to introduce, enforce, and maintain social structures that oppress non whites, even if it is done so unintentionally. Can I get my degree in gender and racial studies now?
  15. I've never gotten it anywhere near that speed, even in AB. I think that might be the top speed of the chassis before they slapped a 3 inch AAA gun on the back.
  16. However, after listening to that unintentional comedy sketch, I finally realized why the left calls Trump a racist. He is White, therefore he has white privilege. He is rich, too, so he is disconnected from everyday Americans. Because of this, he views the world in a way that is detrimental to people not like him, and he is in a position to enact his world view, thus he is a racist. "Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them."
  17. The left in this country is so magical. So, I drive for my day job, and I listen to AM radio because I get tired of listening to the same four songs on the FM dial. Sean Hannity had a right wing and left wing commentator on his show to discuss the whole thing over the weekend with football add Trump, etc. I was mildly paying attention to it, but then I heard the most magical thing. Here is the summary: Right wing guy: "Racism is prejudice against people because of their race." Left wing guy: "That it's ridiculous! The KKK member waking down the street with his white hat on and no two cents to rub together CAN'T be a racist because he can't effect his prejudiced on anyone." KKK member can't be racist....... Does the KKK have any political pull these days outside of Democrat politicians that are closet KKK members or sympathisers? If they don't, then by this guy's idea of racism, Neo-Nazis and the KKK can't be racists because they aren't in a political position to institute their ideology. I can into critical thinking, no really.
  18. The 29K is a SPG that can sometimes shoot down aircraft. I think it's even classified as a TD in WT. It's pretty good, and abusive. Wagers require you to have a rank 3 in your line up, so you can bring in the 29 K and a bunch of 3.7 T-34s and rack up those wagers.
  19. The ZSU-57-2 is entertaining if nothing else. You can destroy most tanks for the side, and aircraft usually fall apart in one hit (which is good, because you don't hit them very often) I think that I'm going to get the 23-4 next, otherwise it will be the last rank that I get. I want it, but I want all the others, too.
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