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Posts posted by Jeeps_Guns_Tanks

  1. Funnily my case has filters on all the intakes. All but one are nicely removable quickly and easily.


    In a lot of cases the venting holes have outwards flow, also you can block them off to pressurize the case out through the back vent and make sure all intakes are vented.


    Yeah, your case is nicer. Now I know about all the cool features yours has and what to look for in the next case heh.


    Anyway, so here's a dumb question, is there a way to tell what way a fan blows without plugging it in?


    I'm going to have to get me some filters, cleaning the inside of the case is a pain, cleaning filters, less so. 

  2. So I had to ditch my stock CPU cooler.  I'm in a high dust environment with a pair of cats and a dog. The stock cooler filled up with dust fast, and is really hard to get clean. I was running 10 C hotter, than when I put the system together.


    The easiest fix for this is a the water cooler, but the wife won't let me right now, but I convince her to let me get this.




    An Arctic Freezer 13, it was 40 bucks, and got pretty good reviews and it fits my case with the ram. The pretty red ram with the HUGE heat sinks kind of sucks for getting good CPU coolers. 


    The nice thing about this is the fan pops off and its two screws to remove it, so it will be easy to clean. I may buy another one if they go on sale, then I could have a clean one to swap in. 

  3. I learned today not to try even the simplest of car repair projects after being woken up out of a dead sleep when you're dreaming that you're a star of a 1980s John Hughes movie which then morphed into a "Creature Feature" with some anomaly that warped individuals into terrifying killers that resembled the ensemble in Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" video.



    Looking back, I think this can be chalked up to my wife making me watch the first Doctor Who reboot episode with Christopher Eccleston and eating copious amounts of homemade cinnamon rolls that she had just baked for that purpose.


    Yes, I'm a lucky man.


    I do distinctly remember in the dream saying "Oh, boy, I'm in a John Hughes film. I know all the tricks on how to be popular. I sure hope this doesn't turn into a Creature Feature later on."


    If you have ever been around me in person, I have a tendency of saying stuff like that in real life...


    So with that as a back story, you can imagine the state I was in as I stagger down to look at her Ford Escape that had a dead battery. No problem, I'll just push it out of the garage and give it a jump start with my Toyota truck. Out come the jumper cables. Red and black on the red and black terminals on the Escape. Red and black on the black and red terminals on the Toyota.


    "Don. The cables are beginning to smoke."


    Boom. I'm instantly awake, quickly switch the now rather hot cables and I begin to survey the damage, all while kicking myself for screwing up on a simple jump start that I have performed dozens and dozens of times.


    Fortunately, I think the only thing wrong is the 120 amp mega fuse on the Escape which did its job of protecting all the electronic innards from people who do something idiotic like I just did. Although I'll be spending this evening going over the car's electrical system when it gets home.


    So that concludes my episode of "I Learned Something Today".


    I learned that lesson in high school when my friend used my GTO to jump his parents Suburban and melted the terminal off the battery. 

  4. I got around to unpacking my modeling stuff. It was not pretty. 



    Many of the partially built models took damage.  All my CA model glues dried up. And worst of all, almost all the tracks are ruined. 



    I have a Dragon early M4A1 brit desert model from Dragon, a really nice smart kit. I was going to start on it while I was working on others, and since I don't like to mix the paints for track paining just for one set, I like to do them in big batches, kinda the same way I do tanks, build to the point of paint, primer and set aside until the airbrushing day.  Anyway, so I primered the DS Tracks for the above kit, the sets DS tracks for an M4A2 Marine Sherman and a later M4A1 76 Sherman that was about 90% done. 



    All the primered tracks just broke up, they were soft when I put them into storage but two years in a plastic tote with primer on them ruined them. The one set of DS tracks I did not primer for an M4 Hybrid4 IC firefly are in good shape. I also have a very nice after marker brass and aluminum barrel for this kit.  



    So I have all in 1/35th:



    Dragon M4A1 early direct vision 75mm Brit Sherman. Complete, minus tracks, not even the bags are open yet in the box. But not tracks




    Dragon M4A1 76 US around Cobra version, pained, built, it just needed tracks, touch ups to the paint, decals and a few fiddly bits, and it would have been done. Now it needs more detail parts fixed, new tracks, much more paint touch up. It was going to be 'In the mood' and I was using tiny stencils to do it. 



    Dragon M4A2 76 lend lease tank. this tank was 97% done, it just needed weathering and a few fiddly bits put on. Now its about 90% with some broken detail parts, it's DS tracks were fully painted but not weathered and survived fine. 



    Dragon M4A2 75 Marine tank, 75% done, no tracks. The kit is in very nice condition other than that though. 



    Dragon M4 hybrid IC Firefly, just like the one in WOT, new in box, all parts, tracks, a aftermarket barrel and some other cool goodies, so this may be the first kit I start back up on.





    Dragon M4A3E8 Thunderbolt VII totally destroyed in move. Crushed. Sad face, it was 100% done.





    Tamiya M26 Pershing. This kit was my first really well done kit after my comeback to modeling a few years back. I used the future floor wax trick to make the decals really look like paint, I weathered it with paints and chalks, and it really looked nice. It’s now in sorry conditions, the main gun missing its muzzle breaks, the detail parts broken  off the turret, some of the suspension is broken. Off the three M26 kits this was the second best. Tracks still intact though.



    Dragon M26 Pershing, this was an older generation kit I got cheap. You can tell the molds had seen better days. I got it to about 80% then lost a part while air brushing. This kit took a lot of extra work to make parts like the gun fit the turret. It’s in bad shape, fenders broken off detail parts broken, a few suspension arms too. The only tracks it came with are the ones that you make out of each link and I think I still have them in a baggy. Those are such a pain in the ass to make though.



    Hobbyboss M26. I got this kit right when it hit the market. It had some very nice details like a motor and transmission included in the kit. This kit was also in the 80% range and getting its first paint coatings when it got packed. It’s now in bad shape, and I’m not sure if I have all the engine grates and other detail parts.




    Dragon Tiger 1 late production smart kit with zimmeritt. This kit was an impulse buy because I had never seen so many photo etch parts in a kit before. It came with a huge number of fiddly little bits you needed tweezers and a magnifying glass to build. Like the clamps that held all the tools down. The were made out of the three very small photo etch bras parts like, well, think of a three part brass latch to hold down tools on a 1/35 Tiger. Honestly, I gave up on them, and only used the easy to install fiddly bits, then I watched the BBCs Holocaust documentary and felt bad for building it in the first place. I decided to finish it as a captured museum tank so I wouldn’t need all the detail shit that’s always missing on those tanks anyway.



    I have some plane kits that are unbuilt and came through well, and a dragon 1/72 Tiger kit, (it was 3.99 on clearance) that’s in good shape.



    I don’t think the M26s are going to make it in a traditional way, but I think I could take the three kits and make them into a diorama of the three M26s sitting together in the back lot of a tank museum rusting away, I have tons of pics of three M26s doing just that, most of the detail parts that are broken and missing wouldn’t mater then, and two out of three were missing tracks, so many issues solved, and doing really rusty weathered tanks behind a chain link fence would be a fun little project. 


    I hoping to find some DS tracks online to fix the Sherman kits. 


    All photos are old, I'll post more current ones at some point. 

  5. So a shameless bump to show much of a dork I am. Plus to bug Xthetenth to post system porn. 


    So I double the LED light strips on my desks, cause, well, hmmm, I guess I like sitting in a dark room bathed in red light when I wack, er play video games...


    I also got more Corsair Red 140mm fans to match the red LEDs in the case. I installed those, and a NZXT HUE LED controller, it came with a multi-color LED strip, and you can adjust it like the desk. Right now I have it slow pulsing the LED strip in red.


    One cool this now, I have all the fans plugged into the motherboard instead of the crappy three speed controller that came with the case, so I can hit a button and have them go into silent mode and just stop.  The mobo also asks you about all the fan locations and tests them all and comes up with a profile, and you monitor it all through the mobo software. 







    I am Jeeps, king of Dorks! And this is my throne. 

  6. Holy hell! I went down to the hardware store with the naive belief that I could pick up some percussion caps for my muzzleloader with the intention of firing off some celebratory squib loads at the New Year party tonight. I had misplaced my tin somehow in the move although I've found enough black powder and musket balls to re-fight Gettysburg but no percussion caps.


    Apparently they haven't had percussion caps in for months. And a quick look online shows the standard moaning and groaning about a shortage.


    I understand there being runs on popular centerfire cartridges, .22 long rifle and what not. But percussion caps?


    Has the loon fringe started packing black powder?

  7. Well, I got a Samsung 840 EVO 500 gig SSD for Christmas. I ordered a bracket for it, so I'll prolly install it, and a few more fans and a an RGB LED controller next week. 


    So, I should be able to install it, boot from the Windows disk, install Windows on it, and when done and I reboot, I'll have the choice of the windows installed on the SSD or the standard drive? 


    The SSD is so small and light, the package feels empty. 


    I also got an OBD2 blue tooth tool, so I can monitor cars sensors and stuff on my phone. 


    And a nose hair trimmer, I guess that’s a hint.

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