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Posts posted by Mogensthegreat

  1. Using the LDS's family program, I have found 3 ancestors who fought in the Civil War, 2 Confederate and one Union (all on the same side of the family, interestingly.)


    also, TIL that programs like Ancestry are borderline scams because they get lots of their information from the LDS database, which is free to access, but then turn around and charge for it.


    On 12/7/2017 at 4:05 AM, Collimatrix said:

    So, given that, what would a reasonable quantitative metric for the strategic effectiveness of generals be?


    Oh, and please word your explanation in such a way that someone who is largely ignorant of sabermetrics can understand it, but also in such a way that it loses no technical precision so I don't walk away with any dumb misconceptions, because if I do acquire any of those I'll blame you.  Also, make your explanation so compelling that I immediately start using it myself without crediting you and even begin to think of your idea as my own as I instinctively act on the programming you put in my head.


    (I'm trying to train you to be a killer lobbyist)


    Net value of all resources which the general did in damage to the enemy or kept the enemy from acquiring, minus total of all expenses.


    On 12/8/2017 at 2:05 PM, Sturgeon said:

    Obviously, the only sensible thing to do is to ruthlessly weed out those with an IQ below one SD above the mean, and mark them forever as members of an underclass only suitable for menial tasks and never responsible for any of the important decisions.


    That way, your society will reap the benefits of the sort of peculiar ignorance and shortsightedness that only afflicts very smart people, and not ever have to suffer the burden of such horridly banal things like experience, intuition, or pragmatism.


    Clearly we just need to know whether the students can understand Rick and Morty to determine if they are part if the underclass.

  4. I suppose I don't really understand the electromagnetism involved in this, I understand that there is one positively charged and one negatively charged rail on either side of the barrel, and that there is an electrical current running through them and the projectile housing, but how does this propel the missile?

  5. On 9/15/2017 at 10:06 PM, Collimatrix said:

    I have to admit, it's a compelling alternate history scenario.  What if the Nazi Party had been entirely comprised of clones of Hermann Goering?


    No matter what you do, I don't think any scenario regarding the composition of the Nazi Party is Goering to win them the war.

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