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Sturgeon's House

Mistral Helo carriers to go to Egypt?


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The two Mistral helicopter carriers look to be heading to Egypt.  These were built for Russia, but the sale was cancelled due to the ongoing Ukraine conflict.  Egypt looks to be picking up the order.



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Egypt is also buying Ka-52 (about 50 helis in total). That is first export contract for Ka-52s. If Egypt is buying Ka-52K modifications, which were designed for Mistrals, than everything is coming to a single picture :-) If not - than Russia might buy Mistrals from Egypt, per some journalists suggestions.

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Egypt is also buying Ka-52 (about 50 helis in total). That is first export contract for Ka-52s. If Egypt is buying Ka-52K modifications, which were designed for Mistrals, than everything is coming to a single picture :-) If not - than Russia might buy Mistrals from Egypt, per some journalists suggestions.

If this happened I'd laugh.

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From money aspect, this whole story was profitable for us - we did not get a questinable ships, took money back, sold helicopters for those ships. But on the other hand, one of those ships could have been in Syria now. Well, at least "Serdukovshina" showed it's main drawback and our shipbuilders will get more attention from the state.

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