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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Sturgeon

  1. 6,600 lbs of fuel so far. That's a 900 mile range. So y'all better git on mah level. And for the record, that 900 mile range is with the full 1200 horsepower motherfucker version of the 1790. If I downrate it to 930hp I get well over 1,100 miles, and 930 is the estimated minimum horsepower I need.
  2. Who cares. This whole endeavor is stupid. A belt fed machine gun set up as a GPMG but which can't sustain fire as one? It's ridiculous.
  3. So basically if you aim for my engine cylinders from the side you can just go get fucked:
  4. At the same time, as you point out, guns bigger than 5-inch are a hard sell. They virtually demand an autoloader (and in the back of their heads people expect Texas to field these guns with caveman HE, it's just their style), and the compromises get out of control fast on a tank that already demands quite a bit of internal volume.
  5. Pretty much every contestant knows they're trying to beat the Norman, and on top of that everyone else. The Norman comes out of the gate with a 105 and it's public knowledge that @N-L-M planned a semi-canon 125mm for it. So while you could technically qualify with a ~4 inch gun, I anticipate that everyone will blow all the requirements out of the water - which is very normal for an SH competition.
  6. So something specific to firearms engineers is that being "bi-lingual" is a must. So, for example, my documents are all set on metric. But every dimension is conceived in inches. Fortunately, Solidworks provides for this, so I end up typing "in" a lot.
  7. I'm doing all my work in metric and submitting in inches because I'm deranged.
  8. Quintuple power posting: This competition does have a "gimmick" btw. It's not secret, it's built into the spec you've already seen. It might be fun for you guys to guess what it is!
  9. The Cali comp was just this huge learning experience for the showrunners. We learned the wrong lessons from the Cascadian competition, specifically that our members could handle a lot more than we were throwing at them. It's honestly a testament to everybody here that you even tried to meet the challenge of the Cali comp. Throwing in deliberate, planned requirements changes mid-stream was just... Cruel. We'll probably use that gimmick again, but definitely not with a competition as rigorous as that one.
  10. For the record, no we are not doing that this time. Not deliberately, anyway.
  11. Yep, what you don't know is the "gimmick" of the California comp was from the get-go to pull the rug out from everyone. All those requirements changes were planned ahead of time. Really.
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