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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Sturgeon

  1. I guess that makes sense. I mean, I think justice mostly means having things go one's way, so "social justice" is in general a bit baffling to me. Are TERFs the same thing as truscum?
  2. I wonder how they know Vandals did it. I mean, it could have been Visigoths, Saxons, or even Franks!
  3. I am going to guess the person making the proposal does not know what the word "mechanically" means.
  4. Hey! We don't know anything professionally. We're not like those amateur know-nothings!
  5. Since when did Russia build so many Ka-52s? And is that the airframe they decided to make their next-gen attack helo? What happened to the Mi-28?
  6. Be careful Bele, AH.com also has "dissertation-level discussions" all the time.
  7. The whole movie I was worried that they - Hollywood - would "go there" and ruin the movie by spouting feminist drivel as "the moral of the story". It never did, and I'm extremely happy with that. I'm also extremely happy with the fact that neither feminists nor MRAs are happy with the movie, since that tells me I wasn't blinded by the awesome (real!) stunts. I don't think that calling oneself a "feminist" gets you any credit anymore. Most people don't care what you call yourself, they care whether you are or are not a jackass (and the only jackass here is yours truly). The screeching harpies in the bleachers who gorge themselves on dressing-covered kale salad, ice cream and margaritas don't care if you call yourself a feminist, either; they don't even give a fuck if you're as progressive as Whil Wheaton. So I ask folks who aren't awful SJWs but call themselves feminists: What's the point?
  8. I think it was a good joke, I am simply not a programmer.
  9. I can't speak for Virdea, but "crazy" is an excellent way to describe the United States. Don't worry, we're bringing it overseas to you, too! At the risk of being negative, I think that reality doesn't care whether we're comfortable with it or not, which means a certain amount of awful racism is bound to be factually accurate. Melting pot diversity can surely shoulder some blame for higher crime rates, but at the end of the day I think racial proclivities also must be accounted for as a factor.
  10. I think I just didn't parse the structure. Is the equals sign supposed to be there?
  12. I have now played 14 hours, which according to the devs is still the veeeeerry beginning of the game (and I'm on the highest difficulty, so it probably is). The verdict so far: Overwhelmingly positive.
  13. Sikorsky X-2. For the last time a production-ish vehicle of an entirely new type took to the skies, then V-22 Osprey, probably. This is a huge deal.
  14. Whoever made that poster needs remedial English lessons, that's for sure. I tried for a while to determine what that could possibly mean, and came up with nothing. Also, either their 6.5mm is hilariously powerful (and thus unsuited to a carbine) or their graphs are just flat out wrong. I can't think of how they could be getting those kinds of figures in... Anything. Even accounting for the nonsense labels.
  15. "Russia does not make AR-15s. There is no need for them." - Kalashnikov Concern CEO, being stalwart in the face of overwhelming evidence.
  16. Wow. Even though it was made by a bunch of barbarians who deserve to be nuked back to being protozoa swimming in slime, that video still registered on my Porn-O-Meter.
  17. Well, that's the trick, and it's the reason why I suggest a system that does not require the GM to memorize a table, but also offers more depth than the simple dice game D&D throws at you that makes fighters so unappealing to play.
  18. What, are you surprised that a democratic, representative government with a huge and largely sovereign bureaucratic tumor growing off of it produces scattered, unfocused, and weak results?
  19. I was thinking in terms of more differentiation, probably involving breaking up the effects of a given strike and what bonuses a weapon would give to that strike. For example, you could perform a mortschlag with anything, a longsword (as it was intended), a messer, a pole, or even your fists. Fundamentally, the mortschlag is the same, but it would be more effective to perform one with a longsword than with a messer, and of course than with a pole or bunched fists. So the stroke itself has some data, but then the weapons modify it. For individual, hand-to-hand combat, these rules give a lot of flexibility in storytelling without requiring repetitive lists of possible attacks or requiring a lot of looking up if something interesting happens. The GM simply notes what sort of attack is happening, and then modifies it according to the weapon used. This is decidedly superior to the system of 1d6 universal attack for a given weapon, a la D&D, because with that, each fighter is reduced to a blob spitting out damage. This isn't how actual fighting works, and is only suitable for large-scale wargaming, not RPing. With this system, instead, the player gets to say what they want to do, to fire off and be responded to (oh, you'll need a much better initiative system, BTW) in ways that actually simulate real melee.
  20. I would instead classify weapons according to how they are used, and I would make the damage model reflect that. I think that is the best way to reduce workload for the player and GM.
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