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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Sturgeon

  1. Some have caught on to how stupid this is (I, personally, have always hated bumper stickers anyway, same as I hate printed t-shirts), and have started advocating a "gray man" approach, that is being as nondescript as possible. Well, I think that has its own downsides, but it's better than wearing the NRA ball cap and then getting mugged.
  2. Bad argument, because I didn't advocate locking up of peaceful Muslims, and Western society isn't having anywhere near the problems with SDAs and Scientologists that it is having with Islamic extremists.
  3. It is a continual annoyance to me when games with Medieval setting fail to account for differences in weapon use and context, and offer later period swords as "upgrades" to earlier period ones. Bah!
  4. Something that is not often accounted for in casual discussions of historical weapons is the context in which they existed. It is important to remember that weapons may change even though the fundamental technology that governs them has not. The reasons for this may be that tactics have evolved, or that other technologies have arisen or improved, forcing a change of weapon use. What must always be remember is that weapons are always combined arms, where changes in one type of armament influence the use and construction of others. An excellent example is how the Frankish/Migration Period sword (often called the "Viking sword") evolved into the early Medieval arming sword, due to changing tactics:
  5. MRAs are just internet feminists with a different platform, really. I think the funniest ones are those who say they'll never have sex with a woman because wimmin r bade or something, they're awesome at rationalizing.
  6. Hah! Been there done that, experienced the storm of utter nonsense.
  7. I don't feel the need to deconstruct this article, since Dan Harmon already did, for me: Typical feminist nonsense, literally complaining that the Big Bad has sex with beautiful women: You have to be pretty nuts to be envious of fictional characters who get raped routinely.
  8. "You have 8,000 battles but you didn't play three games today? YOU DON'T GET TO HAVE OPINIONS."
  9. Videa, that's an AK-74, and the rounds are not tumbling, they are yawing. Think of the precession of the Earth, though it's more exaggerated with the projectiles. Also, according to the Army Research Laboratory, this happens with all small arms projectiles, it's an unavoidable consequence of the turbulence generated by the uncorking process. The unlocking sequence for the AK and AR and in fact most modern rifles all happens at relatively high pressure, relative to older rifles like the M1 Garand. This helps enhance reliability in adverse conditions. The AK in the video isn't cut apart (the top cover and top handguard have been removed), and is operating normally. Further when projectiles in the GIFs were shot, the rifles were fully assembled.
  10. I like the idea of having all those things, but having them be beyond human civilization. Monsters, magic, etc, all being in the realm of mysterious crones who live in the forest and beasts that walk the earth that man hasn't cleared.
  11. Fleet yaw GIFs, made by yours truly: And an accompanying article.
  12. You just reminded me of the creation of a certain member of this forum:
  13. http://metro.co.uk/2015/05/18/white-widow-samantha-lewthwaite-has-killed-400-people-5202429/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3085770/White-Widow-Samantha-Lewthwaite-masterminded-400-murders.html The problem with softballing of Islam is it stunts efforts to prevent radical Islam from taking hold at home. The reality is that there's no politically correct solution for this sort of thing.
  14. IIRC, we lamented the lack of any decent post-Roman-through-end-of-the-Migration-Period games.
  15. Dunno that I have a favorite.
  16. I've heard of this phenomenon before, but this sounds like an exceptional instance.
  17. Oh god that is my least favorite pro-gun slogan. Gunnies in general don't seem to recognize how incongruent that slogan is with "guns don't kill people, people kill people", either.
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