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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Sturgeon

  1. I hate to be the awful pendant who points this out, but deer do not shed bony structures during the spring and then grow back huge sections of bone in the fall. Under the current definition of "species" I feel pretty confident in saying that one cannot conclude anything but that Torosaurus and Triceratops were different species, given all the evidence.
  2. This thread is now for the posting and discussion of videos from scholagladiatoria or Lindybeige, or channels with similar content. Matt Easton's latest:
  3. I am very happy with these developments. Gentlemen, carry on.
  4. I told Don to cut it out, too.You're a very tenacious person, Zinegata, but you're going to have to learn one of these days that sometimes you can't just shake the rabbit until it's dead. All three of you can manage to get along; I don't care if you think he is strawmanning, I don't care if he is strawmanning. I, and most others on this board, have the patience and composure to keep their tempers out of their writing. If you think that is hard, try arguing in person with someone who has an outrageous opinion, while keeping yourself composed. There is frankly no excuse for this lack of self-control in a text-based forum that allows post editing. I don't want to ban you; some of your posting is good, and you'd probably just be mad at me and learn nothing anyway. Instead of all that, listen to me. You aren't responsible for what Donward posts, and neither is any other poster here responsible for what you or anyone else posts. You are responsible for what you post, and what you post is a reflection of who you are and your ability to control yourself. Do it.
  5. Seriously, Don, X, Zin, cut it out. You know how to play nice with people, now do it. This is shit you learned in grade school.
  6. Hey colli, I am pretty sure the armor diagram you've got there isn't for an AMX-30. Compare it against an actual one, and I think you'll see what I'm talking about.
  7. There's a certain intellectual stimulation that comes from spearing a calibro, though.
  8. Oh god how phabulous. I do love the Phantom; it's a wonderful airplane. A big, ugly, post-aesthetic design created to truck along at Mach 2 and carry more missiles than an attack sub.
  9. Coming up on 300 comments. I sincerely hope it breaks 600; I got so close with my Robert Scales article, I really want to reach that goal. And with Donward stirring up shit in that thread about the M4 Sherman, I just might make it.
  10. It seems I have accidentally DDoSed the 68forums.
  11. It's worth copypastaing constructor here:
  12. Are you saying your roommate's sexual fetishes are so insane as to actually demote Xlu's back down below those of NORPs?
  13. Thread retitled to be more accurate. Lots of additional lulz to be had over at 68forums, including constructor trying to insult me and accidentally insulting 68forum members, instead.
  14. It's a very cold day in Hell when Xlu has the least weird sexual fetish of anyone present.
  15. Daniel Watters, you're killing me: I see you are serving up Sacred Cow steaks for Easter dinner.
  16. Not So Special: A Critical View Of The 6.8mm SPC
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