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Posts posted by Donward

  1. Well, we've gotten to the point that the Palestinian Authority is trying to get on the UN International Criminal Court so they can bring up "war crimes" charges against Israel. So the term "genocide" has really lost much of its original meaning.


    But since I'm a terrible person, I just wanted to share that when I first saw Unstart's post about "What is Genocide", the first thing that jumped into my mind was this...




    So we have beaten it into shooters heads for close to two decades now that the only proper way to fire a handgun is with a two handed grip. Oh so help you if you do something so fudd-like as to use a "tea cup" grip.


    But when it comes to these AR rifles pistols, all of a sudden we're going to address the target like we're Aaron Burr gunning down Alexander Hamilton?


    These are literally the stupidest things on the firearms market as they're legally marketed. They make the Taurus Judge and derringers chambered in 45-70 look sane. It is the craziest thing that I've seen in the past couple weeks and blows my mind...


    Until I learned the other day that The Dukes of Hazzard television series that I grew up watching as a wee kid in the 1980s was directly lifted from a 1975 movie called Moonrunners starring Robert Mitchum's son and Waylon Jennings as the "Balladeer".



    And that's my "So THAT'S where it comes from" moment.

  3. In actuality the Apaches were pretty weak sauce when compared to their immediate neighbors the Comanches who, in the early 18th Century, had acquired the horse. The Comanches banished the Apaches from the Southern Great Plains to the relatively undesirable wastes of New Mexico and Arizona where they were left to their own devices until the late 19th Century. The Apaches just never really had the numbers to seriously threaten their neighbors other than by psychologically galling raids. And the Apaches were just as ready to war against their fellow Apaches over scarce resources and bloody minded feuds..


    The Comanches were the REAL badasses of the Great Plains and were pretty much the single reason for thwarting Spanish/Mexican expansion into Texas. This led the Spanish/Mexican authorities to turn to American settlers (mainly from the South) to help them settle Texas which ultimately led to the Texas Revolution and the Republic of Texas. With the advent of the six-shooter and the no-nonsense attitude taken by the Texans towards all matters Indian, the writing was on the wall for the Comanches who were led at that time by Quanah Parker (one of my favorite Indian "chiefs") who quite rightly sold out, managed to hammer out a treaty with reservation land, became a rich rancher, married a bunch of wives and did a lot of peyote. A lot of peyote.

  4. Ah. That's where I heard Ginsberg's name. Yeah, I've heard the story about Michael Savage in his formative years with his political opponents making hay about him being a closeted homosexual or whatever. *Shrug*


    I don't know. A different take could be that Wiener/Savage was a young writer trying to make his way in a new town and was taken advantage of by an older, more powerful individual. This sort of thing happens all of the time - see the Cosby rape allegations - and the victim is frequently shamed into silence. At any rate, if it did happen, it would explain Savage's hatred for homosexuals. 


    Once upon a time when I was a cub reporter filling in briefly at the Seattle P-I during a labor dispute, one of my fellow scabs from a Hearst publication did all that he could to get me to have drinks in his hotel room. It's an odd experience being a straight man who is being hit on by a homosexual. I did learn that when another man compliments you on your combat boots and asks if you like Dan Savage's writing and then compliments your pickup truck as "butch" that they are tells.  :P

  5. The breed has been used variously as a hunting dog, fighting dog (in dog fight rings) and a guard dog which is its best quality given how attached Akitas are to their family and how aloof they are to strangers.


    In addition to using their fur as a coat liner, Imperial Japan attempted to cull off all of the country's dogs in World War 2 that didn't serve a "military" purpose, presumably to conserve resources.




    The Japanese weren't the only island nation that culled off its pets. It looks like Great Britain did the same, killing off 750,000 pets in one week.



  6. At 274 comments and raging, I'd say there needs to be a cool down period. 


    Although they mostly seem to come down to "I'm a veteran! You don't know, man! You weren't there!" and "I own and X and have had Y stoppages over Z period of time".


    Edit: The "mechanical engineer" Seburo who calls everyone "mall ninjas" and "fobbits" is the "best" reading of the lot.



  7. If the English longbow wasn't a game-changing, armor piercing, murder weapon, I doubt the British would have been able to achieve the military success that they had over a century-and-a-half. And I doubt the English would have been keen to rely so heavily on archers.


    I've always thought the tests trying to disprove the efficacy of the longbow against armor were flawed. I'm glad we live in an age where we have the technology to recreate old technology to test it's effectiveness using new technology...

  8. Holy hell! I went down to the hardware store with the naive belief that I could pick up some percussion caps for my muzzleloader with the intention of firing off some celebratory squib loads at the New Year party tonight. I had misplaced my tin somehow in the move although I've found enough black powder and musket balls to re-fight Gettysburg but no percussion caps.


    Apparently they haven't had percussion caps in for months. And a quick look online shows the standard moaning and groaning about a shortage.


    I understand there being runs on popular centerfire cartridges, .22 long rifle and what not. But percussion caps?

  9. Basically these are the sort of people you can't trust to flush the toilet after they crap in it. In Seattle they are primarily white, suburban hipsters and professional agitators who would literally starve to death if they couldn't order take out. They are cowards, petty vandals and sneak thieves who hide behind the anonymity of masks who back down when confronted by a real man.

    During the Super Bowl party/riot in Seattle's Pioneer Square last February, after a few side adventures, I took my wife down to show her how police respond to a situation like what was happening. It was an educational experience in case she ever found herself in the midst of a domestic disturbance. The Seattle PD used the standard line of shield technique coupled with bike cops, horse patrol and flash bangs grenades and cleared Pioneer Square in half an hour. The scum lighting fires and smashing cars (and our historic Pergola) swore, and threw debris, firecrackers, bottles and what not and were eventually dispersed.

  10. I'm wearing my sensationalist pants right now. Particularly after watching a news conference with some government guy talking about guns that were smuggled aboard passenger planes. An AK "pistol" that he was showing off was capable of going through police body armor, car doors or planes.


    It is useful to know how the other side thinks.

  11. I have to hit the sack. I'm not sure what online resources are available other than the Youtubez. I'd say look at some small unit manuals, but honestly, look at how an average pubbie match on WoT plays out. This is generally how my experience with pubbie paintball plays out. If you can cobble together a few guys to do the right thing, work together and make sure you have your guns in the battle at all times, good things happen. It helps not minding - and actually kind of enjoying - the pain of getting shot by a paintball. It also helps being able to read the good and bad terrain of the course - like a WoT map.

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