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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. http://bmpd.livejournal.com/1581406.html It is planned to create a Indian-German joint venture for the production of torpedoes
  2. http://dumskaya.net/news/na-odesskom-zavode-budut-sobirat-kitajskie-legki-052575/ Ukraine plans to organize a licensed production of comba-training L-15 aircraft.
  3. They should have called themselfs "Syrian good guys coalition of a not bad guys and not islamists for sure". Ex-FSA that runned from SAA to Kurds, IIRC near Harasta.
  4. OPEC is now completely irrelevant, after Saudis dropped prices. Now everybody act on their own, and nobody wants to loose their share of oil market (not exactly a market, but i will refer it in this way for simplicity). Saudis already increased prices for water to decrease speed of their money drain . To exist longer than ~5-7 years they need oil price to be around 80$ (because of amount of state services, that is paid by Saudi royal family, if they needed to cover just a cost, 35-40$ would have been acceptable). I expect either some action from Saudi politicians to try to decrease negative effect of low income from oil via increasing different payments and taxes, which will give them time to get to the point when low oil prices will become very hard to hold for everybody else. How situation will go from here - IDK. But this is one of possible ways. Another way - they will fail (at least current form of Saudi Arabia), maybe Iran will try to take advantage from this using Houthis and parts of Yemeni army. Hard to say for ure, just my view of situation.
  5. Well, Turkish border is not that far...
  6. Al-Mayadeen report about civilians coming back to Al-Hader.
  7. Russian report from Palmyra. Upload date is nov 16, but it looks like footage was cpatured several days ago.
  8. No idea how true it is.
  9. Rumored to be from areas to SW from Aleppo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udfal5xrwrA Al-Mukowama/Hezbollah casualties (claimed): From 1 Oct to 15 Nov - 66 members. A certain source (more relaible) claim 40 in Syria in total in same period.
  10. Several videos appeared from SW of Aleppo with terrorists using TOWs. Now i think Latakia push has more chances to be chosen.
  11. Map from SW of Aleppo, showing captured villages and cities by SAA/Iranians/Iraqis, map from PLA (Palestinian militia/unit)
  12. Looks like recent days are not as "thick" in news from frontlines as earlier, during SW Aleppo attack and breakthrough to M5 highway. I think forces are rearming, preparing for next push. Probably we should expect pushes either near Latakia/Al-Ghab plains (near Turkish border), or in SW Aleppo (better forces on the ground, way to helicopters base and surrounded cities in small Shia enclave or action along M5 highway).
  13. More about recent SAA push in Latakia province. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-captures-several-hilltops-and-villages-on-the-idlib-latakia-border/ Syrian Army Captures Several Hilltops and Villages on the Idlib-Latakia Border
  14. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-declares-fire-control-over-the-strategic-homs-damascus-highway/ Syrian Army Declares Fire Control Over the Strategic Homs-Damascus Highway
  15. The good thing is that conflict was stopped pretty quickly, or at least halted.
  16. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/kuweires-military-airport-officially-secure-as-the-syrian-army-captures-kaskays-village/ And about Kuweiris airforces base. I suspect it will be used relatively soon as base of Russian/Syrian airforces. We will use it for Mi-24s and Mi-8s/17s, if it would be us to work in thise military airport. Kuweires Military Airport Officially Secure as the Syrian Army Captures Kaskays Village
  17. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/houthis-forces-kill-a-prominent-al-qaeda-leader-while-hadi-loyalists-launch-an-offensive-in-southern-yemen/ Houthis Forces Kill a Prominent Al-Qaeda Leader While Hadi Loyalists Launch an Offensive in Southern Yemen
  18. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/yemeni-army-popular-committees-strike-saudi-naval-vessel-on-the-mocha-coast/ Yemeni Army, Popular Committees Strike Saudi Naval Vessel on the Mocha Coast
  19. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-syrian-army-enters-deir-hanna-in-northern-latakia/ Breaking: Syrian Army Enters Deir Hanna in Northern Latakia
  20. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-advances-deep-inside-the-palmyra-triangle-after-capturing-several-isis-sites/ Syrian Army Advances Deep Inside the Palmyra Triangle After Capturing Several ISIS Sites
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