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Everything posted by Ramlaen

  1. Feel free to show you are just pretending to be retarded and actually cite these 'official' sources.
  2. I was just thinking this felt like I took a time machine back to 2012-2014. Just for future reference, expect people to treat you like an idiot when the first thing you do is shit on the carpet with ancient debunked misinfo.
  3. https://breakingdefense.com/2020/07/two-men-a-bot-can-ai-help-command-a-tank/
  4. A followup comment about Chally2 LEP ammo storage.
  5. Yep as I understand it the vehicle commander is the gunner with the Dragoons.
  6. OMFV continues on. https://breakingdefense.com/2020/07/omfv-army-wants-smaller-crew-more-automation/
  7. afaik LAHAT is just a bog standard 105mm ATGM
  8. 120mm ATGM to overmatch a modern MBT huh...
  9. Almost looks like the nose section is fatter than the rest of the rod.
  10. https://breakingdefense.com/2020/06/army-rebuffs-anxiety-over-stryker-cannon-competition/ Nothing really new other than two of the six competitors have dropped out.
  11. I can't make up my mind on which 57mm gun will be more useful in the long run, but I'm leaning towards the 'low velocity' one.
  12. No protests of the FFG(X) selection. https://news.usni.org/2020/06/03/navy-receives-no-protests-over-ffgx-frigate-award-to-fincantieri-detail-design-process-begins
  13. None of these have that antenna pedestal on the left rear of the turret and the location of attachment points for ERA/APS on the turret are different.
  14. 3-8 Cav got some SEPv3 yesterday, although they are slightly different again.
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