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Brick Fight

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Everything posted by Brick Fight

  1. It bums me out that the first thing anyone does when they hear about good food these days i "ugh, fucking hipsters."
  2. You really have to double-check Extra Credits. I stopped watching them once I realized they either would only read the WIkipedia page or one or two news stories on these sorts of topics, yet they really like to speak with authority. Their videos on things like gamification and addiction are proof of that. For some reason, James Portnow just happens to be an expert and well-read on everything, while providing zero sources for any of the claims in the videos. I'm not jumping on a wagon either way, but here's an article that has a different view: https://www.techinasia.com/china-citizen-scores-credit-system-orwellian
  3. Also, Alex, that MP5 is beautiful, but I can never un-see the flashlight attachment as a snake-eating-frozen-mouse sort of a picture.
  4. Fair point, I guess. I'd be more interested in what the main causes of the certain AK stoppages would be, now that you mention it. It was interesting to hear you describe how the air system in the AR-15 blows the receiver clean. I'm about as green as it comes to that kind of information, so I found it interesting.
  5. My only real complaint besides the pointlessness of the tests is not using a military AR-15, but I can understand that it would not be easy to get a hold of one. It mostly does its job of challenging a lot of the myths that have stuck onto the AR since Vietnam. Didn't the M4A1 come in first in an international sand/dirt trial or something anyway?
  6. Genuinely interested in that. I've gotten to hold and use a lot of WW1 and 2 stuff from volunteering at the museum, but anything past like 1950 is over my head, and I've handled next to nothing made at those times. On an unrelated note, I'd like to see more gun comparison that goes beyond the simple evaluations we've seen a million times. I like the kind of stuff that's like "<X> Gun may be lighter, but you carry less ammunition than a <Y> Gun loadout of the same weight." Or things like "<X> can put this many rounds on target at this range in this amount of time versus <Y>." Then there's stuff like shooter fatigue factoring in and everything. I just feel like you don't see as much strategic analyzation over tactical in popular firearm media. I'm also kind of tired of the "historically significant" tag without given any further context. So something was the first bolt-action assault rifle or whatever. What does that mean? Was there a sudden arms race like the Lebel, or was it mostly just innovation that didn't really spark any interest, like the Fedorov? Anyhow, finally sprang for a Yugo SKS (PAP M59 if my guess is right). The guy I buy from is a bit of a goober who overprices anything not-Russian (I'm really eyeing that low-serial M38 of his more More Mosin), but he seems to trust me enough to make a deal.. Pics eventually when I get the last of the cosmoline off.
  7. Flashbacks to when we'd use each other's posts for semi-related rants and confused each other into getting into debates and posting more semi-related rants. One of the local gun store owners loves talking about the M14 as "the best battle rifle ever created." If I were to say "Please stop calling them 'battle rifles', it just feeds into the mainstream media BS," how hard to you think he'd slap me? On the other hand, if I filmed it, would anyone pay me?
  8. Reading gunbroker is depressing. Were hunters of previous generations such weak assholes that they had to hack up perfectly good C&R just to save a few ounces of wood on a military rifle?
  9. One thing I've always found goofy has always been that verbal tick of the gun community to say "that's a good round." They'll say it about literally everything that's commonly fired. Like, yeah, it's a good round, because it was either a)adopted by a large, renowned military and/or has been popular enough to stay in vogue over a very long time. The only rounds I'd say are bad are the ones nobody actually uses. I'm not annoyed by it, but saying a round that everybody uses is "good" feels like someone proudly stating the obvious, like "a dog is a good pet" or something.
  10. So, I've finally set my eyes on getting an M1 Carbine, and have actually put down some bids on Gunbroker with nothing for me yet. One thing I have noticed is that Ivers don't tend to get the higher asking prices of other Carbine makers. Is there something to that?
  11. I just rarely get excited about those kinds of tests no matter the gun. Sure, if you take desert dirt soup and throw it into any receiver, it's gonna be bad times, but when does that come up? The most I do with any gun is carry my Savage 4C or Mosin M44 through the Appalachians for a few days a year. Unless I have to fight off the Caramel Monsters from Mars in the middle of a Quicksand Farm, I don't see the point from a consumer awareness standpoint for anybody but someone who patrols through Texas dustbowls and doesn't have access to water and a dry rag.
  12. I like that Ian's comment section tries, but it honestly looks like everyone who comments on his site writes stuff in English, translates it into a different language on Babelfish, then translates it back.
  13. No, because that implies that the other side is human. It'd be more like "Pre-ban Vietnam bringback!!! RARE!!! NO PAYPAL"
  14. A few possibilities: -Anything there is to cover, you covered. You layed out a realistic goal with the post, and didn't really leave any wiggle room for speculation. -Lack of interest in the subject. For Turbonerds like us, detailed weapons development histories can be fascinating, but there's a reason why Ambrose outsells Zaloga, and why Ensign's Wehrabait articles tend to get actual comments versus things like factory notes on how many sprockets were produced in late 1940. -Not having a conversational tone. Your article could be a really good starting point for reference work, but it's not exactly communicating with anyone in a way that creates the desire to discuss it with anonymous strangers. I remember when Alex was talking about how curious it was that videos where he put in a lot of research and production effort would often lose in views/comments to him just bullshitting with you/Ian/Pat. Well, those latter videos had a conversational tone where people felt they could elaborate upon or debate with what you said, and weren't anything more than they promised: Dudes talking 'bout their guns. Lacking conversational tone isn't really a criticism; it could just be how an article is. I'm just saying that different pieces go for different reactions. -Lots of words. This is obviously a "dumb" criticism to an extent, but I rarely read large blog posts in one go. I'll cycle back through the tabs and slowly make my way through it over hours or days so that I rarely am reading it while not in the mood to. Unfortunately, once I'm done reading it, It's often three pages deep on the main site, and nobody else bothered to read it quickly and start up a conversation. Those are off the top of my head, but I don't claim to have any idea what I'm talking about.
  15. I know, I know, but their new RDB or whatever they're calling it is getting some positive press for once. So, I'm at least interested as long as their finger-to-customer ratio is satisfactory for the next few fiscal quarters.
  16. Yeah, I have to say that I don't get the same satisfaction from most guns made after the late '70s as I do older ones, and handguns just don't really catch my eye (been thinking of getting one of those Bulgarian Makarovs, though). They're fun to goof around with, but I canceled my search for an AR after I got more range time with a few, and just felt like I'd rather save that money for things that interest me much more. As for ammo prices, I get more of a kick firing 20 rounds out of my Mosin/Mauser/Enfield than what people would consider "dumping" rifles. Saying all that, I wouldn't mind finding an affordable bullpup for my hiking trips, which is why I kept a lazy eye on those Kel-Tec M43s they were showing off a while ago.
  17. Yeah, everything I hear about Phil's reviewing system would make you guys top of the boards with some work. Hope something comes of that one day.
  18. Over that whole ITAR debate where the writer claimed TFB would be shutting down because he didn't bother reading the language update on copyright protection and took the NRA's alarmist interpretation to heart. Phil made me promise to apologize when TFB would be taken down by the government because running a firearm blog is illegal now. Phil usually seems like a pretty rad dude most of the other time, so I don't know what climbed in his craw during that whole thing. Anyway, found a real nice Yugo SKS in a store yesterday. Low-balled with $250, he wouldn't hear a price under $500. How do gun store owners stay in fucking business anymore?
  19. Every once in a while, I'm tempted to go back to Phil and sass him over making me promise an apology, then he goes and does cool things occasionally. Also, I won't because two of his employees post here.
  20. The original point was kind of lost on me. This is like when two Redditors detract from a topic and start yelling about who is more "logical" and likes "rational" things better. A good soldier's a good soldier, and if the Army can deal with it, and get its rape/harassment shit together, I don't see any particularly negative effects of this.
  21. Don't know. Now I'm starting to remember that one guy way back on the WoT Forums who claimed to have TBI.
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