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Sturgeon's House


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Posts posted by T___A

  1. Choice headline from a "reptuable news source"


    Fat people, rise up! We could swing this election

    It’s time white supremacist whoopee cushion Donald Trump was hurled back into obscurity by a coalition of women, Muslims, veterans, LGBT people and fat people


  2. Russia has a moral right to interfere in our election? Are you fucking serious?

    If it reduces the chance for nuclear war then yes.

    I still don't understand the thinking behind Clinton using nuclear weapons. She's a hawk, but I don't get the leap to where she ignores MAD.

    She wants to put a no fly zone over Syria, and I don't believe she has the temperament to successfully deescalate the situation once Russian planes are inevitably shot down.
  3. So the CIA did a thing

    My thoughts:

    • Trump is right, why ought we believe the CIA?
    • The people in the CIA are really setting themselves to be liquidated, which is probably a good thing tbh
    • In the industry you usually don't release the info that led to your conclusion so this isn't something that really provable to the public.
    • This seems to be an attempt to generate a Trump version of birtherism, except 1000 times more seditious
    • I think the above will seem obvious and desperate to the public and they will side with Trump on this one.
    • Saudi Arabia fucking poured cash to HRC and the Clinton foundation so we are supposed to be okay with that and not Russia?
    • Electing HRC has a greatly increased chance of nuclear war so it's seem pretty clear that Russia has the moral right, if not obligation, to interfere (If they did, I'm not necessarily convinced)
    • Why would Russia intentionally destabilize the country with the world's largest nuclear stockpile?
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