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Posts posted by Ulric

  1. 1 hour ago, Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect said:

    I thought you had a barrel already.



    I do, but it's not chrome lined, and it's a 1:12 twist, so it's not exactly the best. Mostly I got it because it was a cheap add on to the kit, and I wanted it for reverse engineering


  2. So, it looks like I'll be able to repurpose chambered and chrome lined AR barrel blanks for the Galil build. It should be pretty straight forward: turn the original threads down, move the shoulder forward to set headspace, then rethread for Galil action. After that it would be the usual profile, crown, thread, time, gas port, extractor cut.


    I just need to make sure that the relief cut diameter on the barrel tenon threads isn't too much smaller than the minor diameter on the Galil threads.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Collimatrix said:

    I read "RCS" and parsed it as "radar cross section" at first and I wondered what in the fuck mods you have installed.


    Funny that you mention that, the BD armory expansion does have a "radar cross section" analysis tool. Obviously, KSP does not simulate radar returns off of spacecraft, but even something very basic (and horrendously wrong) is a neat step towards making stealth space ships.

  4. 5 hours ago, Collimatrix said:


    Two things spring to mind on reading this:


    1)  There is a cogent and internally coherent argument to be made that a falling unemployment rate isn't necessarily a good thing.  Low unemployment rates per se are not always an indicator of optimal economic health.  They might indicate that a lot of people are stuck in jobs that aren't the most productive ones possible, and future businesses might have a harder time getting going because there is no pool of available workers to draw on.  That's assuming things are on the up and up; the numbers could be gamed in a number of ways, like adjusting the number of people who are considered to be "looking" for jobs, or by placing people in economically meaningless make-work jobs.  However, this does need to be balanced against the fact that employment has substantial pro-social externalities.  The optimal employment rate for keeping everyone sane and happy is probably a lot higher than the optimal employment rate for best economic growth.

    2)  I don't fucking care lol.  The economics spokesman under Obama tried to claim that the recession wasn't as bad as it looked by trying to pass off the first derivative of the unemployment rate vs. time as the unemployment rate.  Trump drumming up buzz based on ambiguous economic indicators that are at least actually true is peanuts compared to the bullshit that Obama would spout that everyone was supposed to just accept.  The establishment is a pack of murderous liars and thieves, and they've proven their incompetence over decades.  If they're bitching and moaning that Trump is going to burn everything to the ground, then fucking good.  They're in closer proximity to Trump than I am, they'll catch on fire first.





    Let us not forget that the Obama administration also tried to call unemployment a good thing. It was an opportunity to spend time with the family, or pursue hobbies that you had let slip by without all the stress of having to work all the time. I believe they used the term "funemployment". Also, in that article they finally point out the bullshit numbers manipulation that was happening under Obama, but claim that it's happening under Trump (and it might be, too, who the fuck knows). I'm not surprised by any of this, though, considering how much the left accuses everyone else of exactly what they themselves are doing.

  5. I decided that bigger rockets are impractical from a game engine stand point, on account of the fact that I am getting at best 1 fps with my larger vessels. This lead me to building half scale versions of my larger cruisers. Undoubtedly, this will eventually result in me using the full scale ones as a mother ship for the half scale ones.









    Katyusha and Kulaco rendezvous.




    Kulaco is 916 tons, ~12,375 delta v, and ~3m/s^2 acceleration while Katyusha is 255 tons, ~11,000 delta v, and ~5.3m/s^2 acceleration.



  6. The enemy tried to take our cap point, so I had to clear them out. The M4A1 76 heard the bomb falling, backed up to what he thought was a safe distance, and waited. The P-63 just happened to fly overhead and was caught inside the fragmentation radius. The Chaffee survived the explosion, but (I assume because he was demoralized) he quit the match early.







  7. It demonstrates a pattern of thought and behavior that is, for the lack of a better term, comorbid with other patterns. It doesn't always have to exist with them, but it is more likely to. Similarly, it can exist without them, but it is less likely to occur in the scenarios.


    The point that I'm trying to make is that the media will automatically and incorrectly assume the political affiliations of a shooter, and will try to associate the shooter with their political enemies as a way to gain leverage in the court of public opinion to help push an agenda. But, just like trying to villify the AR-15, the numbers don't add up. The initial coverage of the YouTube shooter was wall to wall. They interrupted scheduled programming for well over an hour for uninterrupted news coverage of the situation. As soon as they found out who the shooter was, that story was dropped like a potato fresh out of Chernobyl reactor core 4. The church shooting in Texas was also forgotten rather quickly, but because there was someone there with a rifle who stopped the shooter.


    So, you assume that I paint people with a broad brush, and by the your point of reference you assume that I'm on the whackjob right side of the spectrum? I will tell you what I assume. I assume that people who are more susceptible to being driven by their emotions tend to have poorer impulse control that those who are not. I assume that emotionally driven people are more likely do things that make themselves feel good, even if it is not actually beneficial or possibly even detrimental. I also assume that people who are more heavily influence by their emotions also have the mentally of "if it feels good, do it" and tend to be on the left side of the spectrum. This last one might be stretching it a little too much, but I assume that people with poor impulse control who react to their emotions are more likely to do things like go on a shooting spree.



  8. 5 hours ago, Priory_of_Sion said:

    The right political establishment's support (along with some left support) for the drug war, which is the cause of most gun crimes, is, in my opinion, to blame for most of the violence we see. Crazed gunmen, wether politically active or not, are a statistical anomaly.  Maybe getting stoned would help a lot of those freaks out too? 


    Sounds like there are structural problems in the capitalist-controlled silicon valley that is rewarding left-wing views in order to pander to a certain market over another. 


    The only president that probably never got death threats was Old Tippecanoe because he had the sense to give himself pneumonia and die immediately after winning his election. 


    I will agree that the war on drugs, like the war on poverty, has done at best nothing to solve the problem, and realistically has exacerbated it.


    Most problems in society can be tied directly to the existence of prol scum. We have multiple wars against the symptoms of the problem, but nothing that addresses the problem itself.


    The a fair number of lefties like to point out how the war on drugs and banning certain substances only creates an unsafe environment for it's consumption and a black market for it's trade, but somehow they think that banning guns isn't going to have the same outcome?

  9. 20 hours ago, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:



    :blink:Ouch, and point taken, but they were not normalizing him as a Pedo, they were trying to normalize him as Senator. 


    His being a probable pedo, and not getting elected shows the Republicans don't really support pedos. 


    The Left wants to Normalise it as another identity, that will be given victim status because just like the gays and the trannys, pedos have no choice. 



    Age is just a number, you know. They said that they identified as a 19 year old girl, so it's ok even if they are a 12 year old boy, right?

  10. 12 hours ago, Walter_Sobchak said:


    It's like you completely missed the point several people here have been trying to make, which is that painting an entire group with a broad brush based on the actions of a few extremists is dangerious and intellectually dishonest.  


    Also,, it's very convenient for your arguement that you forget that death threats against the President went up 400% after Obama was elected. Again, there are idiots and extremists on either end of the spectrum.




    Not all rectangles are squares, but all squares are rectangles, you know?


    Not all Muslims are terrorists, but quite a bit of terrorism is perpetrated by radical Islamists.


    Not all lefties are crazed gunmen, but a fair number of crazed gunmen happen to be on the left side of the spectrum. The shootings are usually not politically motivated, either. The issue that comes into play here is that every time there is a shooting, the vast majority of main stream media comes out with conjecture and misinformation as to the perpetrators political alignment and affiliations. After the theater shooting in Aurora, the media went digging through Tea Party records and found someone with a similar name to the shooter, picked it up and ran with it. Turns out, it was some fucked up college kid who went off his meds (which is a trait that shows up more than once, by the way). Then they play the blame game and go on parade pointing fingers at every conservative and pro gun organization that they can find. The left leaning media paints anyone who disagrees with them on gun control with the broad brush of things such being complicit with or even guilty by association of murdering children on national TV. If you want to talk about intellectual dishonesty and blanket discrimination, start there.


    PS, more examples.

     Ebay, Google, and other major players on the online world harassing, banning, blocking, demonetizing, censoring or in other ways suppressing opinions that dissent from their left leaning world view. I know of businesses that have had their Ebay account frozen because there we selling slings that could be used on AR-15s. That was the day that I learned that, according to Ebay's customer service department, it is AGAINST THE LAW!!!! to sell slings for "Assault Rifle 15s" on Ebay. Dating sites have shadow banned people who have pictures of firearms in their profile. Google suppresses search results that are against their ideology. Twitter is confirmed to be shadow banning conservatives based on certain algorithms. YouTube constantly goes after conservatives, and they have started shutting down channels that feature firearms. These are companies that have no business bringing up politics, but it seems to be at the very core of their modus operandi. Do you need more examples? The right has some bad apples for sure, but the left has orders of magnitude more, and they hold influential positions in society.


    Also, do we know how many death threats Trump and his family have received?

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