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Posts posted by Lord_James

  1. 1 minute ago, LostCosmonaut said:

    Reading through the whole thing would be quite an achievement ( @Collimatrix Can tell you after he broke the forums that one time)


    Apologies, I didn’t mean the whole thing, but Afrin and Aleppo are kinda deep in there, just looked through and found the end of Afrin at page 500 (March 2018), and I found a post on page 402 that says SAA are approaching northwest part of Aleppo province, where Afrin is. Hope that narrows it down. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Walter_Sobchak said:

    Back to the topic of people running for office who really shouldn't, may I present the case of Bobby Wilson of Arizona who is running for the Arizona state senate?  Some might find it odd that a man who was disbarred for running a forgery scam would run for public office. Even stranger is the fact that he killed his mother and sister and then burned the bodies when he was 18.  Of course, he claims it was self-defense but his story is pretty far fetched.  




    ... well, it wouldn’t be the first time a psychopath has been in office. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Toxn said:

    I just took a break from studying and decided to hate myself for a while by playing the KV-1S*. After a few crap games I had a barn burner and ran a certain loss down to the wire. 8 Kills, a bunch of assists etc...


    ... all of which is worth 940 points on an uptier. My screen full of medals and my 20 minutes of carrying netted me less than a 1-capture game in a scout when we win by fluke. God damn this game and the people who made it.



    * I actually love the Sport, but damn does it not love me back sometimes.



  4. 28 minutes ago, Ulric said:

    I have my disagreements with Russia, but they too desire to remove kebab. Russia could be our greatest ally in the war on radical islamic terror, considering that they are one of the few nations that isn't willing to accept peace trucks as a regular occurrence. On that alone there is more common ground than there is between the left and the right in this country.


    To add to this, working together on something (preferably something we have common ground on, like terrorism) would be an excellent solution for long term peace between our countries... at least it’s better than thinking we’re back in the 60’s, and vilifying them; Last time I checked, you make friends by being nice/polite/respectful. 


    Then again, I have no friends, so I wouldn’t know :P 

  5. Highly disappointing. The Armata program had a lot going for it: 


    — reduced logistical burdens from standardized parts. 

    — quick modularity and upgradability. 

    — enhanced crew safety. 


    Oh well :( Maybe some other country can produce (in actual numbers) an MBT with remote turret/crew capsule... or maybe someone can fire those guys whom cancelled the program and reinstate the Armata and Kurganets, soon. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Bronezhilet said:

    Well, that was a fucking waste of time. Apparently you can't exchange the T-34E coupon for a Pakwagon if you don't have a T-34E.


    I have a Pakwagon (I earned it the hard way): it’s not all that fun, and frankly I feel like I wasted all that time I used to grind it, especially now that I don’t play WT anymore. 


    The gun is great (like +30mm pen over normal KwK40 on the Pz.Vors) and good speed, but horrifically vulnerable to anything that finds you... and the horizontal firing arc leaves something to be desired. Think; hellcat without a turret.


    Unless you can surprise your enemies, don’t go into close quarters... which is actually the majority of maps Gaijiggle forces you into at those tiers... so you’re lucky if you get over 3 kills on maps like “Advance to the Rhine” or “Poland”, or the enemy team is full of incompetents, which is always an option. If you want a similar experience, play the Marder III H. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Collimatrix said:



    At one point the Leopard 2 was going to have a backup coincidence rangefinder in addition to the laser.  Given the proliferation of laser warning systems and the flat trajectory of APFSDS, I think this may be an idea whose time has come again.


    Maybe something like the EMES-13 the Germans were working on? I believe it’s on the Leopard 2 PT-14 mod(?), and worked pretty well, except it was expensive. 


    Edit: because we need to keep on topic, here’s a picture. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Walter_Sobchak said:


    I don't care how much a scum bag he may or may not be.  NOT THE POINT.  The president is seriously entertaining an offer for let a hostile foreign power interrogate American citizens, including a former ambassador.   You all keep arguing that Trump is not some sort of Russian stooge.   Let me ask you this.  If he was, how would his behavior be any different?



    To add to what everyone else has said: 


    1. If papa Trump (or “Putin’s slave”) really wanted this guy gone, he’d be fucking gone. Some (not-so-) nice men in ski-masks would have taken him to where ever and beaten him numb. Since this scum is still around (for now), it should be questionable whether Trump is Putin’s bitch. 


    2. So it’s ok for the US to seek justice for appearant “Russian spying”, that has questionable evidence I might add, but it’s not ok for Russia to seek justice for this guy pillaging their country, and they have all the evidence to prove it? Totally not hypocritical. 

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