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Everything posted by Jeeps_Guns_Tanks

  1. Last time I checked, you could walk around with a loaded black powder gun in your pocket in Cali and not be breaking the law, but I havn't checked in a few years.
  2. Cool, I also have a 1.5 and 1 TB drives from old computers sitting around, I'll be able to hook those up and look for any old, lost pics and stuff.
  3. Well, I got a Samsung 840 EVO 500 gig SSD for Christmas. I ordered a bracket for it, so I'll prolly install it, and a few more fans and a an RGB LED controller next week. So, I should be able to install it, boot from the Windows disk, install Windows on it, and when done and I reboot, I'll have the choice of the windows installed on the SSD or the standard drive? The SSD is so small and light, the package feels empty. I also got an OBD2 blue tooth tool, so I can monitor cars sensors and stuff on my phone. And a nose hair trimmer, I guess that’s a hint.
  4. LOL. And I don't need no stinking rubber stamp, my wife beater, and mullet already broadcast the message!
  5. So I have a Lab, and one of those infernal leashes. I got the Lab, because my X wanted a dog, and liked Labs, and I had grown up with one so we got a lab. The X is long gone, but I still have the Lab, and she has been a great dog, even though she's always been cooped up in apartments or condos. She also isn't a full breed, or wouldn't pass inspection because she has black spots on her tongue. She was one of those litter labs, come by our house and check the litter out and pick, type dog, and I paid 150 bucks for her. She has had zero health problems until now, other than a bad knee from an early injury. She's now 15, and I doubt she's going to make 16. She has been a really great dog, she loves car rides, even crazy ones. She went on all my off road adventures in the jeep, often on a bed packed on top of all the camping gear, with about foot to squeeze into. She was the first and only dog I crate trained. She is a bit of an attention whore and intensely jealous of me giving any attention to any other animal. She will sit on a cat if she can, and take its place under my hand. She’s never gotten aggressive about anything, I can take food out of her mouth, and one of the cats sticks his head in her food dish and samples what she gets while the dog is eating. The same cat often steals her bed. Anyway, her love of food and attention are pretty typical lab but she’s so not lab like in other areas. She hates getting her feet wet, and does not like water. She can swim, but will not swim unless she falls in somehow. This dislike of water gets so bad she won’t walk on wet grass or wet/muddy dirty to pee, and just goes on the sidewalk. This annoys my wife. She also likes to get under the covers of the bed if she can. My wife does not like this either. She has a throat condition the vet says is just going to get worse, and it’s going to kill her. Right now, she’s still acting normal so I don’t have to think about putting her down, but at some point I’m going to have to make that call. I’m going to be a pretty sad dude for a while. Anyway, onto the infernal leash, in this labs case, I use it because I can let her go sniff stuff, almost like she is off leash, be still have her tethered. I never broke her of going nuts when she sees a squirrel or pheasant. She also likes to go sniffing around in ivy, yes, the same dog who doesn’t like wet feet. The leashes do have a lock, and when there’s a need for it to work like a traditional leash, you just real the dog in and lock it. If there is anyone in site, she next to me with it locked. The only time I’ve had problems is when an unleashed dog came and harassed us. I’m also willing to admit I’m not the best dog trainer around, but I trust her not to bite people or jump on them and she does not bark at people unless they are strangers and I’m not around. Now, I’ve seen the trouble these leash types can cause. It’s almost as bad as the people who just let their dog run free in places they shouldn’t. You’d think people bringing useless dogs inside non dog stores would be more of a problem in Marin county, but I hardly see it, but then again, I don’t go out shopping much. Fuck, all this has done is really made it sink in how much she’s slipping each day. If ever get another dog, it will be a rescue lab, or a pound dog. Raising a lab from a puppy is something I don’t regret though, it was more fun than not.
  6. Just as a little update, now that I'm in the WOWS weekend Beta thing, I can run that, and have to say, it runs very well on the new system. So that's nice. I should be getting a few more goodies for Christmas too. The SSD drive should be in there, so I'll be reformatting and reinstall the O/S on that bad boy. plus enough led stuff to make it visible from space!
  7. They should have an international, 'Hunt Hippies week'. No bag or caliber limit. Bonus points for creative kills.
  8. I just loaded up the beta for the first time. It says weekends only but I'm in now. I went in and cranked all the settings to max and it played very well. They made some pretty ship models. Anyway, can we start a PM convo about it?
  9. I think I got in. I got an invite for a weekend beta, but I think I get to keep access after.
  10. Do what I did, save yourself the frustration, put Daigensui on ignore. No one needs to see someone make excuses for Hitler.

  11. I have the 50-100, M41/T49, Cent &/1 and E50. I don't like the 50-100, the Cent is ok, the US lights are a riot and the E50 seems cool, plus if you like ramming stuff, it's nice. I haven’t player any of them much, since I don’t dig on the higher tier stuff much, but of them the T49 is the most fun so far, the derp gun on it is just too funny. Do you have the LTTB, it’s kinda like the T-50-2s long lost cousin?
  12. lol, hmmm posted from my phone when I had a very bad conection?
  13. So FarCry4 is really fun, It keeps sucking me in and I lose track of time. I was up playing it until almost 4 am.
  14. That's cool. I put something like that on the wish list from NZXT, but the changing color option won't be as useful since the mobo is already has red built in. The LEDs on the desk change color like that though.
  15. Yeah, makes for the perfect large mouse pad. I can't remember who recommended it.
  16. Those are my super custom black-out panels/keep the cats away from the windows panels. You can't sit at my desk in the afternoon without them, at least not when it was hot. Now that it's down to the 50s and 60s around here they are just cat and glare protection. You’re not supposed to notice that, or my ghetto armrest cover.
  17. So, I went super geek, and decided a computer this super cool needed a spruced up desk to go with it. So I bought an LED light kit at put in on the desk. This is the mega geek result.
  18. So I just spent 3 hours playing Far Cry 4, and wish I had more time. Very pretty game and I have it everything set to ultra. CPU max heat, 88C, but most of the time in game it they were all hitting high 70s. GPU about the same, and it never got noisy. I haven’t looked forward to binge gaming like this since I got GTA 5 for the PS3. I'm going to have to give BF4 a try again too.
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