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Sturgeon's House

External Hard Drive Misbehaving

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I have a My Passport 2TB external HD that has been happily connected to my desktop for about a year and a half until today.


Now, suddenly, I cannot access any of the files on it.  I can see the files and folders in Windows Explorer, but I can't open them.  Nor can I copy and paste them to any other drive.  Sometimes Windows Explorer is very slow when browsing the files on the external HD, and sometimes it freezes while doing so.


Sometimes when I try to open the files in a program it states that it can't access the files because they are read only.  When I check in Explorer, they are read-only, but un-checking the read-only box doesn't do anything.  I have tried to remove the read-only attribute from the folders via the command line, but that doesn't work either.


I have checked the hard drive via chkdsk and diskdrive get status in the command prompt, and they both say it's fine.


I have tried changing which USB port the external HD is plugged into.


So far, no luck with any of these approaches.



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