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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Belesarius

  1. http://www.defensenews.com/story/military/2015/04/30/house-armed-services-markup-keeps-a10/26627591/ CAS is still a go with the A-10 for a while.
  2. I really like the idea of dividing up effective practical ranges in those terms. Makes a lot of sense.
  3. It's Kratman. Delusional wankery of some sort.
  4. Currently reading Dead Beat by Jim Butcher. The Harry Dresden universe is always a fun read.
  5. I will watch that tonight or tomorrow. TY
  6. It would be verrrrry Russian to still have the tooling around. They never like to throw shit out.
  7. http://defense-update.com/20150430_rafale_for_qatar.html#.VUO4QZMufpo 3rd major order for Dassault in a very short time. Egypt, India and now Qatar.
  8. http://sputniknews.com/military/20150429/1021514706.html Not sure of the veracity of the article, but interesting if true.
  9. Wolves are smart. They won't eat toxic Californians.
  10. Pssst, Yes, I know it's an airsoft copy because photos of the real thing are few and far between. Apparently used by the SBS for a while then supplanted by a suppressed version of the HK33/53
  11. Yeah... odd. I think the curfew is a little overdone. YMMV.
  12. 1st T8 Game in my brand new New Orleans class CA.
  13. That's a really badass looking embiggend S-Tank. What's the purpose of 4 tracks? Wouldn't that raise ground pressure higher?
  14. So I had a pretty ok game in my Cleveland
  15. Nothing. Read the whole thread carefully. What does a QZB-95 and a Typhoon class missile sub, or ICBMs have to do with South Africa?
  16. What about a 5.6ft long Otter that hunts in packs? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_otter
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