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Everything posted by Belesarius

  1. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iran-revolutionary-guard-bombing-1.5017567?fbclid=IwAR3hzlYobBnKoPkuH4r3JSXuVM9dZ65iO9LjU07MQ1Kckyu2VKAyFDnDNUA 20 members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard killed in a suicide bombing in Iran. Al Q being blamed.
  2. USS New Mexico with Mount Fuji in the background.
  3. Now that's the kind of moderation that I was hoping for. *Grabs popcorn*
  4. I trust T__A to be at least amusing with his moderation. It should be funny. We might just get to see it sooner than we thought...
  5. That tractor looks like it's ready for @Walter_Sobchak to take a shot at getting it running.
  6. Oh wow. This is a fucking cool shot from above the wreck of the Hornet. Note how intact the wreck is, with the island largely intact. Some of the stern is missing, or crumpled in the sonar shadow. But man, for a ship that took such a beating she looks largely intact. @Collimatrix, @A. T. Mahan,
  7. https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2019-02/focus-littoral-combat-ships-antisurface-warfare USNI article on how to salvage the LCS hulls in service as practical warships. Focus them on surface strike with NSMs and have them counter other smaller ships in littorals.
  8. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uss-hornet-wreckage-world-war-two-warship-discovered/
  9. 2 'Elite' French cops convicted of gang raping a Canadian citizen. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2019/01/31/two-french-policemen-accused-of-gang-raping-canadian-tourist-in-paris-in-2014-found-guilty.html
  10. https://www.scriptmag.com/free Your google fu is weak young Jedi.
  11. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/26201/bizarre-chase-through-high-security-nevada-nuclear-test-site-ends-in-deadly-shooting Whut? That's some X-files bullshit right there.
  12. Yeah 90 rounds per minutes of 203mm HE will fuck all the things up.
  13. Animea Removal in progress, 1943, Rabaul. IJNS Haguro under air attack.
  14. That approach speed was super fast. The flex when the fuselage came apart was pretty brutal. Edit: I wonder if the wing sweep mechanism failed? I couldn't tell if the wings were fully deflected forward.
  15. Belesarius

    UAV thread

    Thermite, or a small FAE charge?
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