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Everything posted by Donward

  1. So consuming smut is a healthy activity? And they said I’d go blind and grow hair on my palms!
  2. I can’t wait to watch the Left collectively shit themselves when Trump appoints the replacement for Ruth Ginsberg
  3. So... if Kavanaugh is appointed it means people will be forced to watch Handmaid’s Tale?
  4. Looks like the Rent-a-mobs are disrupting the Kavanaugh hearings as expected Also, what is the point of this cosplay? I'm vaguely aware there is a TV show (Netflix?) involving some dystopian future where... fuck, I don't even know what the show is about.
  5. Counterpoint. The American voters put Trump into office as the last ditch hope to reclaim our Republic from the Oligarchy which has burrowed itself into the hide of Washington like so many ticks, and whose only concern is engorging themselves on the public trough.
  6. Why the Navy misses the old F-14 Despite All Of It's Problems https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-navy-misses-old-f-14-tomcat-despite-all-problems-30367 National Interest I know is absolutely haram, I know but... fuck. Do the people they have writing and editing not even know the basics of journalism? First paragraph. "While speed and range are priorities, the Navy remains skeptical of stealth technology as it always has. “We certainly need survivability. Stealth is just one piece of the survivability equation,” Brophy said. “I kind of look at stealth as sort of like chaff and flares. It’s not going to defeat [the enemy] every time, but it will help. Stealth is part of what any future design — if you look at any country, they’re going that way. So yes, it would probably be part of it.” Who the fuck is "Brophy"? What's his first name? What's his title? Oh wait, you have to get to the 7th fucking paragraph to see it's a "Captain Richard Brophy".
  7. I just noticed but Gary Johnson is running for Senate in New Mexico as a Libertarian. https://www.demingheadlight.com/story/news/2018/08/31/libertarian-candidate-gary-johnson-says-hes-not-wallflower-race-u-s-senate/1148016002/ And he's doing better than the Republican, McRib Mick Rich, and has a decent chance at unseating the incumbent Democrat. https://www.emerson.edu/sites/default/files/Files/Academics/ecp-pr-nm-8.19.18.pdf Now if only he can run a campaign without any embarrassing, meme-inspiring gaffes?
  8. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/01/08/trump-signs-bill-upgrade-martin-luther-kings-birthplace-national-historic-park/1015174001/ CLEARLY A RACIST DOG WHISTLE!!!!
  9. https://www.greeneforstate.com/about_kyle Born and raised in Minnesota, I moved to Litchfield in 1989 from Minneapolis. I attended college for business, sociology and philosophy. I served time in the Army National Guard and sincerely hold to my duty to defend the constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic. My family and I reside on our farm in Grove City. I am an organic farmer; raising chickens, ducks, goats and soon adding sheep. I hunt, fish and trap animals to sustain my family, as well as to control the animal populations. I believe this to be an ethical and spiritual duty. I support small businesses and began product development in 2018. I work with several companies involving athletic enhancement products, fighting knives, steam engine generators, fish carburetors as well as food production. My wife Krystle and I have been happily married for 10 years, together we have 6 children. While our children are home schooled, they remain active in sports and activities within the local public school district, which I also support. We take pride in teaching our children morals, respect for others and good work ethics, not only on our farm, but in life itself. I look forward to serving District 18A. ... ... Dear gods, I hope he wins. Just for the lulz.
  10. It's curious since this is one of the first articles that I've ever read complaining about cyclists from a cis-white-male privilege perspective (I had not seen the YUKGuardian article) Out in Seattle, bicyclists and bike lanes generally follow the "War on Cars" narrative that evil conservatives are destroying the planet by commuting to work, and aren't the bicyclists so pure. It's a classic Left vs Right narrative. So what caught my eye was that this column was more of a Left eating the Left, with each special interest group trading jabs at each other.
  11. Old crusty, New York Post columnist... we are not so different, you and I. NYC should stop coddling young white bros on bikes https://nypost.com/2018/09/01/nyc-should-stop-coddling-young-white-bros-on-bikes/ Cycling isn’t just a guy thing — it’s a white guy thing. Despite lack of data, anyone can see that in a city that’s 55 percent nonwhite, black, Latin and Asian faces on wheels are relatively scarce. (The exception is hard-working food delivery people, for whom access to bike lanes makes their backbreaking jobs somewhat less risky while ensuring that more affluent citizens won’t have to wait too long to get their General Tso’s chicken.) It isn’t just a white guy thing — it’s a young white guy thing. Neither the DOT nor any major biking organization could provide data on cycling use by age. But another scroll through those 185 Citi Bike trips turned up only 29 uses by riders aged over 45. It’s also an able-bodied young white guys’ thing. Many cyclists look more suited to running the New York Marathon than to merely getting from Point A to Point B. Meanwhile, subway riders with every imaginable disability brave jammed platforms, stairs and trains. Legless men hop from car to car. Now, it isn’t inherently sexist, racist, ageist or ableist that cycling is most popular with athletic, younger white males. What’s sexist, racist, ageist and ableist is that the wishes of so narrow a slice of the populace are institutionally favored over those of all others. @Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect Y DO YOU H8 POOR, LEGLESS minorities forced 2 EWES SUBWAY???!?!???
  12. DAFUQ?!? https://nypost.com/2018/09/01/george-w-bush-michelle-obama-share-tender-moment-at-mccains-funeral/
  13. Walt confirmed for not liking special needs kids. ~ per the standards of modern journalism. 😜😃
  14. I’m not tired of #WINNING yet. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/404600-ford-cancels-next-years-ford-focus-citing-trump-tariffs “Crossover” cars are the ride of Satan, an abomination of the roadway.
  15. What’s the context of the quote? Other than - I assume Trump? - speaks like a New Yorker?
  16. In retrospect, I think the important thing to remember is that it's not important that Donald Trump or Sarah Palin aren't attending, what's important is that John McCain will be at the funeral.
  17. Senator McCain exemplified the virtues of bi-partisanship, civility, class, and American... ... AAAAAANNNNDDD Sarah Palin has been denied entry to his funeral. http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/404220-palin-not-invited-to-mccain-funeral-services-report
  18. But muh blue wave!!! In last nights primary in Florida, 100,000 more Republicans turned out and voted for their respective gubernatorial and senate candidate than Democrats. https://www.politico.com/election-results/2018/florida/ This despite being assured by the media and polling groups that Democrats are SOOOOOO energized this mid-term election. And in Arizona, 80,000 more Republicans voted. https://www.politico.com/election-results/2018/arizona/ And these are two swing states that the DNC is banking on turning or keeping Blue.
  19. Nov. 29, 1989, McCain and news coverage of his involvement in the Keating Five. https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/mccain-the-most-reprehensible-of-the-keating-five-6431838 You're John McCain, a fallen hero who wanted to become president so desperately that you sold yourself to Charlie Keating, the wealthy con man who bears such an incredible resemblance to The Joker. Obviously, Keating thought you could make it to the White House, too. He poured $112,000 into your political campaigns. He became your friend. He threw fund raisers in your honor. He even made a sweet shopping-center investment deal for your wife, Cindy. Your father-in-law, Jim Hensley, was cut in on the deal, too. ... No one forgets that Glenn was the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth. You won't let anyone forget that you were a prisoner of war. But you have played that tune too long. By now your constant reminders about your war record make you seem like a modern version of Arthur Miller's tragic failure Willy Loman. Clearly, both you and Glenn sold your fame for Charles Keating's money. ... You insist that an accounting firm Keating hired told you Lincoln was sound. Alan Greenspan, who Keating also hired, wrote a report saying it was sound. Why shouldn't you believe the people Keating hired? You were, after all, fellow employees.
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