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Everything posted by Donward

  1. Just for a bit of perspective, Israel was essentially founded as a Socialist country. All of those war heroes that threw back one Arab army after the next were mostly Socialists and/or secular Jews. So it really says a lot of the Palestinians as neighbors that Israel has gone from that to Benjamin Netenyahu in the course of one human lifetime.
  2. So you likey anonymous sources? Check this shit out. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/11/rob-porter-bob-woodward-fear-815345 Sources familiar with Trump's thinking have told POLITICO that he's livid at Cohn and Porter, believing they leaked to Woodward, even though Trump has publicly slammed the book as a work of "fiction." Who do you have to Deep Throat in order to become an anonymous source who is "familiar with Trump's thinking". What does that even mean? Who are we talking about? His shrink? His caddie? It sure ain't his bartender because Trump doesn't drink. I've been a journalist and I don't know how any reporter could physically type that paragraph out and not die from embarrassment. Let's see who the author of that piece is. Well I guess you have to Deep Throat this little shit. https://www.politico.com/staff/quint-forgey Who the fuck has Quint Forgey as a name. It's like someone cobbled together a couple characters from one of Charles Dickens lesser known novels and thought it would be a good name for a Star Wars bounty hunter. Oh wait. Quint isn't a reporter at all. He's a fucking "web producer". With a face like that, I hope his co-workers don't describe him as a loner who's quiet and keeps mostly to himself. That's the face of America's news media. FFS.
  3. Stood under one of the windmills on one of my employer’s farms again a few days ago. It makes a delightful “whoooo-umphhhh” sound as the blades spin.
  4. This is a prime example of what happens to a man when he sticks his dick into crazy.
  5. “Knock knock” ”Who’s there?” ”Get” ”Get who?” ”Get the fuck off the road with your bike and stop blocking traffic!!!!!”
  6. A lot of the stunts were done by Smokey and the Bandit director Hal Needham, who was a professional stuntman. As an example, he was the driver behind the wheel of the Trans Am bridge jump scene (the car got totaled in it).
  7. I had this exact box set. https://www.ebay.com/i/153045684431?chn=ps Ertl. This was for Smokey and the Bandit II with the elephant Charlotte (no, it is only a coincidence that my daughter's name is the same...) So they're asking $700 for it. Truthfully, I'm glad I played the heck out of mine.
  8. Yep. I loved the heck out of Smokey and the Bandit (and the now admittedly inferior Smokey and the Bandit II). Had the hot wheels and the Tonka toys. (I believe it wasn't Tonka but the other name brand but can't remember). Although watching the show as an adult, Jackie Gleason steals the show.
  9. There is more direct evidence linking McCain to Russian meddling than Trump. There is more direct evidence linking the Clintons to Russian meddling than the President. But Trump hosted the Miss Universe pageant one year in Moscow and made a funny one-liner about the Russkies finding Hillary’s e-mails so clearly he is a Putin stooge.
  10. RIP Burt Reynolds. I’m truly Eastbound and down.
  11. And the birth certificate thing could have been put to rest in 24 hours, or 3 business days tops. But Obama WANTED the Republicans to chase that red herring for six years.
  12. It’s been painfully obvious that the President’s enemies have been aiming for a 25th Amendment solution ever since he took the Oath of Office. It’s another lame attempt to close their eyes and wish Trump away. And it just shows how divorced from reality the Left and the #NeverTrump RINOs are. It also causes me to question whether they have actually ever even bothered to read the Constitution and its Amendments. Or if they have, they don’t actually care about its meaning and want to simply use it as cover for whatever they want it to mean at the moment. Here’s the text. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution The key point is Section 4 of the Amendment where the Vice President AND the majority of the President’s principal Cabinet (or a group appointed by Congress) have to declare that the President can’t discharge his duties. Whereupon the Vice President becomes ACTING President. But wait! If such an event did occur, the President can then write to Congress attesting he was now fit again to hold office. At that point, the Vice President, the Cabinet, and Congress have to go through the process one more time to remove the President from office. ... And all of that is a pipe dream since the point of the 25th Amendment is about a President being incapacitated like when Reagan was shot or to prevent a scenario like when Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. The 25th Amendment was not meant to cover some disagreement over Trump’s position on NAFTA or that some mid-level staffer got triggered over a Tweet.
  13. I love polling that wildly exaggerates one particular political party/viewpoint and then pretends like it is reflective of America as a whole. It's almost like the poll is meant to influence public opinion rather than reflect it...
  14. We should have let the Japanese take Australia. Hell, half those rigs are made in Japan anyway.
  15. Short of dying, Feinstein will win re-election. But she has been polling south of 50 percent in both polls and her primary. Which means even some Democrats don’t want her.
  16. Well, the Woodward/NYT Anonymous coward fan-fic has kicked the Kavanaugh witch hunt and scream fest off the front pages, which must mean the Democrats and Media have come to terms with him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court and they’re trying to change the narrative before more embarrassing videos of Handmaid’s Tale cosplayers and dudes in pink condom costumes make the news.
  17. Having read the Anonymous Op-Ed three times now, here are the takeaways. It’s 27 paragraphs long. Most of those paragraphs are just filler. Of the substantive complaints, they consist of the writer disagreeing with Trump over... free trade. (Well too fucking bad. Trump ran on eliminating NAFTA and putting tariffs on China. American voters agreed.) The writer is bent out of shape that the US is engaging in diplomacy with Russia and North Korea. (Because let’s start another war) He white-knights for the press, because the First Amendment means you don’t have the freedom of speech to criticize CNN or the New York Times. And because no President in history has ever complained about the Press (like Adams, Jefferson, Jackson, Polk, Lincoln, etc). He doesn’t like the cut of the President’s gib, even the past Presidents have done worse. He bloviates about the 25th Amendment even though the President is not incapacitated. And mew hew hew, John McCain. ... What a load of crap.
  18. And meanwhile 9 separate gun control bills have been sent to the California governor. http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-mass-shooting-bills-california-20180905-story.html Thus violating the 14th Amendment and Equal Protection Clause of Californian gun owners.
  19. The Anonymous Resistance went on to describe how they Resisted by stealing office supplies, leaving the toilet seats down in the men’s room, and licking the lid of the President’s Diet Coke cans.
  20. So Trump doesn’t want to “fucking kill Assad” after all. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/405205-trump-pushes-back-on-woodward-book-assassinating-assad-was-never-even
  21. My money would be on Rubio, he has that Mr. Peepers body-type which would give him the edge in any grappling contest.
  22. Oh goodie. Alex Jones and Lil’ Marco Rubio - almost - got into a slap fight in the US Senate. http://thehill.com/policy/technology/405150-sen-rubio-and-alex-jones-spat-outside-senate-intelligence-hearing
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