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Everything posted by Donward

  1. Again. I don't get the panacea of moving all of the peons into mega-city hellholes. Because if things really do go pear-shaped, being in a dystopian mega-city hellhole is the last place any rational individual would want to be. That was certainly one of the things we took into consideration when we moved to the Palouse. Rather than forcing people to become - and stay - dependent on a single centralized authority to collect and distribute resources, seems to me the smarter tactic is for folks - and society - to diversify their skillsets and zipcodes where they're residing.
  2. Jeffersonian Yeoman Farmer Republic FTW!!!!!
  3. Looking at the political map, I’d say the better option culturally AND environmentally is getting rid of the urban population... ... ... #GhengisKhanDidNoWrong!!!
  4. Happiness is knowing that in an hour, Leftists and #NeverTrumpers will be having an existential crisis over receiving an Emergency Alert test text message from the President.
  5. I see the White House has officially authorized the FBI to expand the FBI investigation surrounding Kavanaugh. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/409300-white-house-authorizes-fbi-to-expand-kavanaugh-investigation-report Which further jives with my prediction on discord chat that the FBI is going to be going after Feinstein and/or the Dems.
  6. Yeah. It's not like Damon's best friend Ben Affleck hasn't been accused of groping women. https://variety.com/2017/film/news/ben-affleck-apologizes-hilarie-burton-1202587248/ And then there's this.
  7. This is what happens when we don’t have enough Wehraboo-beast to hunt.
  8. It’s like that Johnny Cash song.
  9. Considering one of the prime issues of the 2016 election was Supreme Court picks, and considering that Trump has been fulfilling a campaign promise by choosing nominees from a list of candidates that he made public prior to the election; it seems yet again to be a rather blatant attempt by the Democrats to thwart the will of the American voter yet again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_Supreme_Court_candidates#Possible_nominees
  10. In ancient cultures, a young boy would be given a puppy to raise and care for. And when the boy was ready to become a warrior and a man, he’d be forced to kill the puppy. Trump will have Lindsay Graham strangle Jeff Flake to prove that he is ready to enter manhood.
  11. There was some scuttlebutt on why Trump didn’t choose Judge Amy Coney Barrett instead of Kavanaugh. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Coney_Barrett And the reason is that Trump is keeping her card in the deck for when he gets to replace RBG with a conservative female judge.
  12. Holy Hell, that woman looks like Yoda just before he died, but wearing horned rim glasses.
  13. If there was an iota of evidence supporting the claim, Kavanaugh would have been toast. But there wasn't any. Everyone talks about Clarence Thomas, but the actual analogy to today's debacle is the Judge Roy moore fiasco in Alabama where the Democrats were able to convince just enough Alabama voters to stay home. And it was because they had "evidence" like his signature on a yearbook. And they accused him of a far worse crime than rape, that being pedophilia. Essentially, the Dems used the same Roy moore template but they got lazy and didn't do all of their homework in finding corroborating witnesses or evidence. The fact that Kavanaugh is a freaking pack rat who kept his bloody freakign event calendars from 1982 is another factor that the Dems probably couldn't foresee. Edit: And another thing that I mentioned above, Kavanaugh is part of the "in club" when it comes to DC politics whereas Roy moore was an outsider and something of a gadfly. The DC Republicans are going to wall to protect their own here whereas they couldn't care less for the weird and kind of creepy Ten Commandments judge.
  14. The issue isn't proving whether or not Kavanaugh went Rape Ape on some chicks at a party. All that was is an excuse to delay the confirmation vote. That's been the main strategy behind all of this, to deny the President from appointing a second Supreme Court Justice and breaking the 4 to 4 Conservative/Liberal deadlock. The crime is irrelevant. If the Democrats thought that accusing him of embezzling seniors or being a racist or being the second shooter on the Grassy Knoll with Ted Cruz's dad when he shot Kennedy would have worked, then they'd have hammered that Jello on the wall too. The issue with the Rape Train in the 1980s is that by having an FBI investigation, they could prolong this fiasco indefinitely. How do you prove he did or didn't do this crime when there are no witnesses? How do you disprove something when all they need to do is produce another "victim" who wasn't a victim at all and simply recounts a story that she heard about this one time in band camp... So the Democrats were counting on either the GOP Senate or the President going wobbly or Kavanaugh recusing himself over these accusations. Barring that, they tried to run out the clock until the midterms hoping "muh blue wave" will happen. In retrospect this turned out to be a weak hand they played and I wonder if Feinstein would have been better off pushing the story before the nomination even occurred.
  15. Speaking of political ramifications, I find it interesting that Sen. Feinstein’s poll numbers are terrible. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2018/senate/ca/california_senate_feinstein_vs_de_leon-6592.html The latest poll has her at 40 percent, and I’ve yet to see her get within sniffing distance of 50. And that’s in Commiefornia. 40 percent is lower than Trump numbers which are supposedly so terrible. While I don’t hold any hope of the sacrificial GOP opponent winning, it is indicative to me of how much displeasure the average Dem voter has with their incumbent candidates despite the “MUH BLUE WAVE” narrative.
  16. It seems the Democrat grand strategy has been to hammer enough Jello against the wall to see if it will stick, hoping that Trump, Kavanaugh, or a couple GOP Senators would call for the nomination to be pulled. The other tactic has been to delay this farce until after the midterms which is why the Democrats were trying to goad Kavanaugh into asking for an FBI investigation - which would take months - in order to “clear his name”. As for the Ford lady, she sounded mentally ill on the radio. No surprise she’s a professor of psychology.
  17. If Lindsay Graham is showing gumption on this, I’m confident that he’ll put pressure on whatever wobbly GOP senators are thinking of wavering. Although his doing so pretty much confirms my suspicion that doing so means Kavanaugh is part and parcel with the DC Establishment; hardly surprising given his pedigree.
  18. The guy’s crying on TV. He claimed to be a virgin until well after college. Based on the stories he’s told about his parents micro-managing his teen years (and after) and the fact that he was probably slapped around since a child by his Jesuit teachers, the guy is probably what he is, a goody-goody prep school kid from a sheltered and rich neighborhood who has probably never gotten into a real fight in his life. My mean German grandmother would describe him as a man who wouldn’t say shit if it was coming out his mouth. This isn’t a bad thing per say but it makes me doubt that he was capable of setting up rape trains that were completely secret until... now?
  19. Looking back on life, I guess I should have kept a detailed diary and calendar of everything I did and where I was at from middle school on forward while not throwing out anything. #HoardingfortheWin
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