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  1. Tank You
    Donward reacted to xthetenth in The Fedora wearing open carry asshat is at it again.   
    As a private joke I wonder how many people doing stuff like that would be appalled to learn they're following in the Black Panthers' footsteps.
  2. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Meplat in Berlin Crisis 1961: The Beginning of The End of The M14   
    Holy... What the..
    It's fallshirmjager Otto Von Meatbunker, the bipedal sandbag!
    Use him for cover! Advance on our enemy using his considerable bulk as a shield!
    Really, does a Ju52 even have a way to carry external stores that large? Cause I cannot see Gefreiter Lardbody fitting through the troop door without using considerable amounts of butter..
    And I'm assuming that's a reproduction uniform smock, something has me doubting the Germans ever made one like that in size "Hamplanet".
  3. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Khand-e in It's finally here.   
    Does this mean Kickstarter may have finally lead to something good?
  4. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Sturgeon in 5 Billion in fines against 5 of the worlds largest banks for Currency Rate fixing.   
    No one would ever accuse me of being a social justice type, if a kid from the hood can get five years for holding up a convenience store and robbing a hundred bucks, the individuals who took part in this should be facing federal prison time. 
  5. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Tied in "Dementor Wasp", Hundreds of Other Animals Discovered In Mekong Region   
    The WWF is the World Wrestling Federation. Not the World Wildlife Fund. Until this travesty against justice and common sense is corrected, I will continue to internally voice every World Wildlife Fund sob story raising awareness for some critter or their hand-wringing pleas for donations in the voice of the "Macho Man" Randy Savage.
    Besides, the WWF also raised awareness for animals...

  6. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Meplat in Your Gun Porn Thread   
    the buttstocks of the No1MkIII and No4 Mk1 were meant to be fitted, and were of 3 (well, two really) differing lengths of pull.
    For a time you could find both original and reproduction "L" stocks, which would likely fit much better.
  7. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Virdea in Your Gun Porn Thread   
    Another trick is to find (or have me send you one) a French recoil sleeve.  They were designed in 1952 because French rifles began to throw HUGE direct fire 22mm grenades as part of a new anti-tank strategy with the eventual ideal of having each member of a French squad able to tackle a tank.  These pad fit the comb of an Enfield and add about four centimeters to the reach.
    Let me know if you want me to track one down for you.
  8. Tank You
    Donward reacted to xthetenth in The M4 Sherman Tank Epic Information Thread.. (work in progress)   
    Abrams earned that tank, there's not an overabundance of actual armor generals with a distinguished record. And a name like Caernaervon is a very good reason to keep developing the tank till you can justify a better name.
  9. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Brick Fight in Your Gun Porn Thread   
    The Enfield finally got range time on Memorial Day. Shoots like a dream. The bolt is as smooth as everyone says, and the trigger just feels nice. I didn't go for grouping or anything, but I was able to plink soup cans at 100yds with only a handful of misses. Afterwards, I broke it up, and got as much gunk and grime as I could out (I'm liking Ballistol lately, it's even revitalized some of the wood. I'll still keep Hoppe's around, but I'm impressed with Balli so far). I'm really glad I found this thing. The guy in town I bought it from is notorious for over-priced and questionable merchandise, and I only think I got the deal I did because he had just gotten it only a few days earlier. I was so sick over spending the money on this thing for a short time because of him, but I'm glad to see it didn't go to waste. I think I'm gonna put in the research on MAS 36 and 49s, and try to find one in the Harrisburg show next month.
  10. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Priory_of_Sion in The M4 Sherman Tank Epic Information Thread.. (work in progress)   
    On the "Sherman" nickname, according to a Sept 1942 War Dept. Intelligence Bulletin (vol. 1, # 1) they called the M4 the "General Lee".
    It also seems to show that the Americans can now claim about how good their armor is, taking 27 hits and all. Take that Tiger!
  11. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Priory_of_Sion in Historical Pictures Thread   
    Japan is and was weird.

  12. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Walter_Sobchak in Were Shermans Called "Ronsons"? No, They Weren't   
    I'm not going to comment in that thread anymore.  I don't see any point in it.  Time for it to be locked.  
  13. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Sturgeon in Were Shermans Called "Ronsons"? No, They Weren't   
    There is a certain joie de vivre in standing around and beating Luigi down like he owes us money.
  14. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Meplat in Were Shermans Called "Ronsons"? No, They Weren't   
    I think he'd be out of his element in a universe of his own creation.  Cheeps strikes me as the kind of person who'd manage to drown in an inflatable wading pool.
  15. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Jeeps_Guns_Tanks in B.B. King's death to be investigated as a homicide.   
    I can always be proven wrong. But I'm wondering if a simpler explanation is estranged family members making wild claims hoping to cash in on the inheritance 
  16. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Khand-e in US Navy not looking forward on Naval Mine Clearing?   
    Alternate title?
    Mine Clearing Dolphins Have A Hard Job
  17. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Virdea in Your Gun Porn Thread   
    The French safety is installed on each soldiers trigger finger.  
    The reality is French rifles did not have safeties until 1945 when they were installed on the MAS 1944.  French theory - originating in the 1860s, was that a safety was just a mechanical device which could be set to the wrong setting or could mechanically fail when you needed it.  French soldiers instead maintained strict weapon discipline.  
    Soldiers carried a weapon with a loaded magazine and no round up the spigot.  You only jacked a round in when you were ready to fire, and when the battle was over you went back to no ammo.
  18. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Virdea in Your Gun Porn Thread   
    Bayonet deployed.
  19. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Virdea in Your Gun Porn Thread   
    My memorial day gun.  Off I go this afternoon with my 36/51 and 10 rifle grenades.  
  20. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Belesarius in Toledo Steel vs Weeaboo Steel   
    As for the quality of blades, I think there are a couple of things going on. I too have read about the better quality of ores in Toledo
    But what I think probably also occurred was a cascading effect where a better material made for better knives and swords which created greater demand which made for more prolific swordmakers who then became more practiced in making good swords who were then able use good ore to make better swords, etc all the while at the same time attracting/keeping good smiths who wanted to learn how to make good swords.
    As a modern day example there is the aircraft manufacturer Boeing in my own backyard. Among the several reasons for its early success was the comparative advantage the company had in its ability to access cheap aluminum and electricity thanks to the construction of aluminum smelters and hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River. As time marched on, the cost of raw materials have become less of a factor in gauging the bottom line and the cost of unionized employees is seen as more of a deficit which is why management at Boeing has for over a decade now been trying to shift aircraft production out of Washington state and to a "right to work" state like South Carolina where they can offer lower wages and less benefits. In fact, other than nostalgia, there is no legitimate corporate reason to keep Boeing in the Pacific Northwest. The only trouble is that South Carolina doesn't have the manpower infrastructure in place to make their new state of the art plants in the South competitive. Boeing has not been able to the replicate and replace experience of its workers up in the Pacific Northwest because their new plant doesn't have the culture and know-how of running something as complicated as a commercial airline factory yet.
  21. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Sturgeon in US Navy not looking forward on Naval Mine Clearing?   
    Alternate title?
    Mine Clearing Dolphins Have A Hard Job
  22. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Sturgeon in Fishing Is The Most Dangerous Job In America (Donward's E-Peen Intensifies)   
    I shared this elsewhere and most of you have seen it. But I'll post it here again.

  23. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Virdea in Toledo Steel vs Weeaboo Steel   
    This is America, pardner. We use the British Imperial system.

  24. Tank You
    Donward got a reaction from Belesarius in Fishing Is The Most Dangerous Job In America (Donward's E-Peen Intensifies)   
    I shared this elsewhere and most of you have seen it. But I'll post it here again.

  25. Tank You
    Donward reacted to Jeeps_Guns_Tanks in The M4 Sherman Tank Epic Information Thread.. (work in progress)   
    New version of the Sherman doc at Walts site. 
    Also, just watched "A Bridge To Far" and man that's a great movie for Sherman spotting. They got a bunch of Shermans together for that movie, though many not correct versions, they got a lot right too. 
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