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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. More from Australia: http://477768.livejournal.com/3298167.html
  2. Cheetah Forces Retake Jabboul in East Aleppo While ISIS Reinforces Sheikh Ahmad http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/cheetah-forces-retake-jabboul-in-east-aleppo-while-isis-reinforces-sheikh-ahmad/ Christian Militias Fight Off ISIS Terrorists in East Homs: Maheen-Sadad Checkpoint Recovered http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/christian-militias-fight-off-isis-terrorists-in-east-homs-maheen-sadad-checkpoint-recovered/
  3. Some photos left unposted here, from parade rehearsals and parade itself.
  4. Sky when the #Russian warplanes are flying in the sky of #Raqqa. #Russia warplanes carried out airstrikes targeting #Kafr Zeta in Hama
  5. #SAA captured commander Tajamu 'Fastaqem Kama Amart in Sheikh Saeed Currently unconfirmed info.
  6. Eastern Guta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3nOw8922qw
  7. NSFW #Khanasser Syrian Army Soldier on top of pile of killed terrorists.
  8. Insurgents with 2 D-30 cannons.
  9. NDF in yesterday battles in northen Latakia
  10. Lebanese-made (Hezbollah) rocket launcher system - "Abu-Talib", used near Khan-ash-Shikh in Western Guta.
  11. NDF continue their push on N-E of Homs.
  12. Al-Manar TV channel video showing Hezbollah in battle to the south from Aleppo. Except tankers, no Syrians in this vid, lol.
  13. NDF militiaman with RPO "Shmel".
  14. Note Nusra Front attack to the north from SAA push.
  15. Kataib Hezbollah and their famous bis-ass rockets.
  16. From video posted earlier. Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah near Aleppo, Syria.
  17. Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah posted video from South of Aleppo.
  18. Said to be cages with people that are used by militants (seems to be not ISIS) to prevent airstrikes. Cages are placed near/on top of buildings, that could became target for bombings.
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