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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. https://twitter.com/Abduhark/status/651346293470720000 Submunitions
  2. Blessed bombs = +10% damage against allakhakbars. Also, part of targeting system is visible.
  3. Today, pair of Su-25s bomb something near Idlib.
  4. Evening of October 5, 2015, Office of Press and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation distributed a new communiqué, which says: From airbase "Hmeymim" Russian Air Space Forces made 15 combat flights of the Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25 planes. 10 terrorists targets were hit by airstrikes. http://charly015.blogspot.ru/2015/10/el-parte-de-la-aviacion-rusa-en-las_45.html Su-34 bombers destroyed the headquarters and command post in the area of Dayr-Hafir and Al-Bab in the province of Aleppo. As a result of direct hits, building, in which terrorists warlords were hiding, destroyed. In the east of province of Homs, near the town of Tadmor, pair of Su-25 shturmoviks and pair of Su-24M bombers attacked two areas of concentration of terrorist vehicles. About 20 T-55 medium tanks were desotroyed, which were previously captured by militants from the Syrian army. As a result of the detonation of ammunition and fuel fire of military vehicles, several fires started in this area. In the Tadmur region of the province of Homs Su-24Ms attacked the artillery positions of one of the terrorist gangs. 3 MLRS are destroyed, including ammunition. Su-25 shturmoviks attacked the area of concentration of insurgents engineering vehicles, resulting in destruction of those vehicles and equipment, seized by terrorists from the Syrian army. In the vicinity of Tadmor, Russian bombers hit 2 warehouses with ammunition of terrorists, one of which was located on the territory of the salt factory. Both objects were striked by direct hits of guided bombs. Two pairs of Su-25s attacked the control point and communications node of terrorists located in the mountain range of Jebel Batra, and the headquarters of militants in the mountains of Jebel Mgar of province of Damascus. As a result of direct hits by bombs, facilities were destroyed. Russian Air Forces continues to conduct aerial reconnaissance, identification of targets and their destruction, 24 hours in day. Air strikes on militant headquarters near the town Dayr Khafir (province of Aleppo). Attack on an ammunition depot of militants in the province of Homs. Bright flashes of explosions confirmed the detonation of munitions as a result of a direct hit by bombs. Thick black smoke indicates fire began in the warehouse.
  5. Military "Day of innovation" Expo is going on now, there should be small interview with PL-14 designer (Lebedev) talking and showing his pistol, saw it yeserday, forgot where it was and now can't find it Concern Kalashnikov new boat: Movable targets:
  6. Russian PG-7BR tandem HEAT grenade/rocket for RPG-7 and Iranian tandem design.
  7. Vityaz truck/MRAP. Falcatus
  8. FSB TsSN snipers Main bad guy, Russian Big Boss who shoots opposition leaders from Kremlin with those: Mooks
  9. Some recently posted FSB SF pictures. Look at that! And i thought that 12.7 "light" MG was dead... PYa and APS pistols. APS are very popular.
  10. Apperently this bomb was RBK-500 with self-guided anti-vehicle/AFV munitions. Like this one: http://a-popov.livejournal.com/188529.html Submunition itself:
  11. http://www.rg.ru/2015/05/23/ratnik-site.html 23.05.2015 - "The first production batch of combat equipment "Warrior" (Ratnik) came to the troops. This was stated by head of the organization-developer of a Ratnik - the Central Research Institute of precision engineering - Dmitry Semizorov. Exact figures of the order Semizorov not made public. But we know the estimated needs of the military - every year the army can buy 50 to 70 thousand sets." > So, in field tests from ~May of this year. http://ria.ru/defense_safety/20150610/1069159296.html Siberian Army Special Forces units are fully equipped with "Warrior". (10.06.2015, early June) Units of special forces of the Central Military District (TsVO), stationed in Siberia, fully equipped "soldier of the future" equipment "Warrior", received by the troops in the framework of the state defense order, said on Wednesday the press service of the TsVO. > Article also have infographics on weapon/armor, other stuff and reconnaissance tech toys. http://vz.ru/news/2015/7/3/754294.html Paratroopers evaluated combat gear "Warrior" (3.07.2015, news article from early July) Russian Army evaluated the elements of combat equipment "Warrior", pointing out their advantages and disadvantages. In particular, Army have complaints to helmets and backpacks. There are no complaints for weapons, but there are problems with the sights. As for the intelligence complex, control and communications, the soldiers asked for changes the interface and "buggy" maps. Some elements of the "warrior" has been already adopted by the Russian Defense Ministry, however, the decision to adopt a full set of equipment to be taken after the field test of the military gear, which started last year. Total set of advanced combat equipment includes ten sub-systems, which can be grouped into three categories: protection and equipment, weapons and sights, as well as reconnaissance. > Ratnik started small-scale tests in 2014, probably some parts of Ratnik actually were used for tests. Article also cover some equipment, like armor and smaller stuff. Ratnik-2 is in development, rumored that it will reach testing stage in 2030-2035. http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=2662746 Some specualtions about Ratnik-2. Low visibility in IR/thermal, ability to change color, bodyarmor with build-in power supply system. > i have doubts about all that
  12. Funny story about ASVK journy in Ukraine. Recently, this rifle was shown to Ukrainian/Kiev high level politicians, as "new Ukrainian rifle" SVM. Ukrainian TV runned a show/report about it: Now interesting part - this pro-Kiev soldier identified this rifle as ASVK that he was able to fire (one of the first on Kiev side), rifle was captured by 8th special forces regiment, after it was dropped by LPR fighters (it burned, missing some external parts and a magazine). https://www.facebook.com/kjjggkjgkj/posts/963721800317043?pnref=story After some field repairs: Rifle was covere by Ukr medias, including yellow press like Cencor.net http://censor.net.ua/photo_news/298558/prodayutsya_vo_vseh_voentorgah_donbassa_neojidannyyi_trofeyi_posle_razgroma_terroristov_fotoreportaj So, Mayak company, that showed this "new" SVM just added sight and local-made mag.
  13. Seems to me that Ratnik (also known as "Vatnik", lol) now in field tests. I suspect some AK-12 and A-545 news will be released soontm (several months). Battle Buryatstm
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